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Updated: August 14, 2024

"I wonder what they charge fur iron over yander at the settlemint, Em'ry?" observed Sim Roxby presently. "Dun'no', sir," responded Emory, glumly, his sullen black eyes full of smouldering fire "hevin' no call ter know, ez I ain't no blacksmith." "I war jes' wonderin' ef tenpenny nails didn't cost toler'ble high ez reg'lar feed," observed Roxby, gravely.

The kentry 'peared ter me ter bristle with Luke Todd; he 'minded me o' brumsaidge everywhar ye seen his yaller head, ez homely an' ez onwelcome." "I never wunst gin Luke a thought arter ye tuk ter comin' round the settlemint," Eugenia said, softly.

Dad swore us Clantons to wipe out the whole clan of 'em. Every last man in the hills that was decent got to cussin' the Roush outfit. Their own friends turned their backs on all three. Then the sheriff come up from the settlemint an' they jest naturally lit out. "I heerd tell they were in Arizona an' after dad died I took after 'em. But seemed like I had no luck.

She came in, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright, with an excited dubitation. Her husband commented on the change. "Ye air a powerful cur'ous critter, 'Genie," he said: "a while ago ye looked some fower or five hundred year old now ye favors yerself when I fust kem a-courtin' round the settlemint." She hardly knew whether the dull stir in her heart were pleasure or pain.

He usually exhibited in a high degree the hospitality characteristic of these mountaineers, but now it had given way to a still stronger instinct. "Si," he said, coming suddenly upon the boy, "put out right now fur Bently's store at the settlemint, an' tell them sneaks ez hang round thar ter sarch round thar own houses fur harnts, ef they hanker ter see enny harnts.

"Oh, my po' chile, my po' little Huldy! Whar? His own place! My law! whar? Whar has he drug that little soul?" An intuition flashed into Pap Overholt's mind. He grasped his wife's arm. "W'y, Cornely," he cried, "hit's that cabin on The Bench! Don't ye know, honey? I give him that land when he was sixteen year old, time he brung the prize home from the school down in the settlemint." "The Bench!

"A saafter-spoken body I never seen than Tobe war when he fust kem a-courtin' round the settlemint." "Sech ez that ain't goin' ter las' noways," dryly remarked the philosopher of the chimney-corner. This might seem rather a reflection upon the courting gentry in general than a personal observation. But Eugenia's consciousness lent it point.

The old folks, whilst waitin', set outside on the porches of the houses at the settlemint, an' repeated some o' the sermons they hed hearn at camp, an' more'n one raised a hyme chune.

I told ye that I'd be powerful mortified ef I hed a nephew ez hed ter shet his eyes ter keep the noise out'n his ears whenst he fired a rifle. The tale would go mighty hard with me at the settlemint." The girl's eyes glowed upon him with the fixity and the lustre of those of a child who is entertained and absorbed by an elder's jovial wiles.

"Oh yes," he observed, in response to the cordial greeting which he met; "an' I'm glad ter see ye all too. I'm powerful glad ter kem ter the still enny time. It's ekal ter goin' ter the settlemint, or plumb ter town on a County Court day.

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