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Why should you talk so? Can no one do anything? Why do you live so much alone? Is there no one you care about? He turned. What a vision! His artistic sense absorbed it in an instant the beautiful tremulous lip, the drawn white brow. For a moment he drank in the pity, the emotion, of those eyes. Then a movement of such self-scorn as even he had never felt swept through him.

I never saw you with such brilliant eyes, or such a beautiful color." "Brilliant eyes! beautiful color! Ha! ha! ha! the first frenzy, I think! The last well, it ought to be beautiful. I paid ten dollars a scruple for it at a wicked French shop in Broadway! And I have used the scruple unscrupulously!" she cried, with a bitter laugh as of self-scorn.

Stanton," he said, in a louder tone, which he made both cordial and impressive for the benefit of any listening ears. "This has been a most interesting chat with you, one I am not likely soon to forget. I hope it may not be long before I have the pleasure of meeting you again." He had certainly scored. I was obliged, hot with indignation and self-scorn, mentally to confess as much.

"Oh," said Sylvia, smitten with admiration. She sat down on a rock partly because she wanted to admire at her leisure, partly because she was the kind of a girl who looks well sitting on a rock; and as she was aware of this latter motive, she felt a qualm of self-scorn. What a cheap vein of commonness was revealed in her in every one by the temptation of a great fortune!

It was a tone of almost ferocity with which she spoke, and the trembling lip, the flashing eye, and the swollen veins on her temple betrayed the self-scorn racking her heart within her. A bang at the hall-door, and heavy footsteps on the marble pavement, forced her to composure. "Old-maidish to the last!"

Follison; and Reggie, the twitcher, was entertaining Val Russel and Bruce Townley with a story he had started at nine o'clock in the morning. Suddenly Johnny was visited with a long-sought inspiration and hurried down to the kennels, remembering with much self-scorn that he had dragged each of the Wobbleses away from there at least once.

He gave a little gesture of self-scorn as he rose to throw some dry sticks on the fire. "What I mean and what you mean is that that I'm an arrant coward." Roy gulped the last words out as if they burned his throat. "I don't mean that at all," she flamed. "How can you say such a thing about yourself when everybody knows that you're the bravest man in Washington County?" "No no.

"If I can," said Eugene quietly, with a deprecating wave of the hand, and a faint line of self-scorn about the corners of his mouth. "It may be too late." "'Too late! Too late! What nonsense! Do you say that to me? If you can! If you can! Well, I give you up! You with your velvet textures and sure lines. It is too much. It is unbelievable!"

Then she swung away from the glass with the motion which reminded Howard of a tigress, and, setting her teeth hard, laughed with self-scorn; but with something, also, of fear in the laugh. "I am a fool!" she muttered. "It can't be true. So soon! So suddenly! Oh, I can't be such a fool!"

He tried to console himself by thinking that things were now at the worst; that he was subduing himself, and would soon reach a happy, dull indifference; but in truth it was with fear that he looked forward fear of unknown possibilities in himself; fear that he might sink yet more wretchedly in his own esteem. For the worst part of his suffering was self-scorn.