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He had nearly succumbed to that most unmanly of all spiritual assailants, the coward of Self-Pity would have succumbed, had not Self-Scorn rendered him aid.

You were too confused just then by your own foreground wretchedness to be able to gauge the perspectives." "One has a right," she declared with self-scorn, "to expect from an adult human being, a reasonable degree of intelligence. I didn't display it to any conspicuous extent." "You gave way to a moment of panic." "Yes and you suffered for it.

His upper lip curved in upon his teeth with self-scorn for he had had little cause to be pleased with himself while Judith was gone, and his eyes showed now how proud was the scorn and he shook himself sharply and sat upright. He had forgotten again. That part of his life belonged to the past and, like the past, was gone, and was not to come back again.

"And don't they," she urged, "don't they really say Sir and Ma'am, whe'e whe'e you came from?" He said gloomily, "Not ladies and gentlemen. Servants do. Waiters like me." He inflicted this stab to his pride with savage fortitude and he bore with self-scorn the pursuit of her innocent curiosity. "But I thought I thought you was a college student."

Bitter, indeed, was his self-scorn when he recalled that of the several critical positions he had been in since his acquaintance with Wetzel, he had failed in all but one. The exception was the killing of Silvertip. Here his fury had made him fight as Wetzel fought with only his every day incentive.

She never probed her own soul with fierce self-scorn, as this quiet woman by her side did; accepted, instead, the passing moment, with keen enjoyment. For the rest, childishly trusted "the Master."

She added with a touch of bitter self-scorn: "I was doing what I had to do." "You don't have to do it any longer." He looked straight at her with his head up. "And how do you know what I deserve? Who made you a judge about these facts? Grant for the sake of argument I killed him. Do you know I wasn't justified?" His fierce boldness put her on the defense.

They were drilled to a factitious humility, prone to find utterance in expressions of self-depreciation and self-scorn, which one may often judge unwisely, when he condemns them as insincere. They were devoted believers, not only in the fundamental dogmas of Rome, but in those lesser matters of faith which heresy despises as idle and puerile superstitions. One great aim engrossed their lives.

She walked in a blind anguish of self-knowledge and self-scorn. She who had plumed herself on the poised mind, the mastered senses! She moaned to herself. "Why didn't he tell me warn me! To sell himself to that man to act for him defend him apologize for him and for those awful, awful things! An agent must." And she thought of some indignant talk of Undershaw, which she had heard that morning.

So I might but write it, I would embrace my own portion, the portion of doom; yea, though it should be a pressing of the searing-iron to my lips, I would embrace it; my name should not appear. For the mere sake of the man I had loved I would write it, in self-scorn and abasement, humbly craving not to be denied.... "Oh, let me but do for Love of you what a sinful man can!" I groaned....