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Boppert, the scrub-woman; but my conscience is eased by my communication, and that is much to a solitary woman like myself who is obliged to spend many a long hour alone with no other companion." "Something has been accomplished, then, by this delay," he observed.

You'll have to have those fingers amputated, beyond a doubt, or lose the entire hand or even worse." "And my work!" exclaimed Trina. One can hold a scrubbing-brush with two good fingers and the stumps of two others even if both joints of the thumb are gone, but it takes considerable practice to get used to it. Trina became a scrub-woman.

Meantime three or four persons had stopped on the walk near me, the nucleus of a crowd which would not be long in collecting, and I was beginning to feel I was paying dearly for my virtuous resolution, when the front door burst violently open and we caught sight of the trembling form and shocked face of the scrub-woman. "She's dead!" she cried, "she's dead!

Miss Fink lifted her neat skirts high as she tip-toed through the little soapy pool that followed in the wake of Tillie, the scrub-woman. She opened the swinging doors a cautious little crack and peered in. What she saw was not pretty. If the words sordid and bacchanalian had been part of Miss Fink's vocabulary they would have risen to her lips then. The crowd had gone.

They looked into corners and behind doors to see what had not been done; they followed the work-trails of every employee from old Cassie, the scrub-woman, to the Superintendent herself; and if one was a wise employee one blazed conspicuously and often.

Well, it's a new experience for me, Inspector, and you must not be surprised if it takes me a minute or so to get accustomed to it. A scrub-woman too! It cuts, Inspector, it cuts."

He was kicked by Noah, hit with the mop by Martha and had the scrubbing brush thrown at him by the scrub-woman. But these things did not disconcert him in the least. They only added to the excitement. As for Tabby, she hated it as much as the doctor did, and generally took advantage of these times to go to visit her cousin who lived across the fields a mile and a half away.

"But I will repeat what I saw last night, as it is no secret, and the telling of it won't hurt me and may help you." Accordingly I went over the whole story, and was much more loquacious than I had intended to be, his manner was so insinuating and his inquiries so pertinent. But one topic we both failed to broach, and that was the peculiar manner of the scrub-woman.

When they got out of the lockup they found Rosy had gone. And his lordship had given him money and clothes, and I don't know what all. "Julius said that Rosy's meanness sickened him of the sea. Said 'twas time to retire when such reptiles was afloat. So he come home and married the scrub-woman at the Bay View House. He lived with her till she lost her job. I don't know where he is now."

He was the first to arrive, and he found the scrub-woman who cleaned the office just taking her departure. It had never occurred to Montague before that such a person existed; and he turned in some surprise when she spoke to him. "I beg pardon, sir," she said. "But there is something I have to tell you." "What is it?" said he. "There is someone trying to find out about you," said the woman.