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Updated: August 23, 2024

When this had been agreed upon she and Henry left the office and I took the hat and dress from the suit-case and put them on, while Lemuel put on Henry's suit and whitened his face. This took but a few minutes, and we went into the hall and found Henry and Madge already waiting for us. Henry was blackened into a good likeness of Lemuel, and Madge was quite a mussy scrub-woman.

After a glance at the ghastly, huddled figure upon the carpet near the desk, the coroner took a careful survey of the apartment. "Did Mr. Hume employ any person to assist him?" he asked. "The scrub-woman told me that there was a young man here always when she came during the business day for her wages. A sort of clerk, she thought."

But his baby was always there a laughing, wonderful boy whose chubby hands persisted in pulling her hair down into her face each time she bent over his cradle to kiss him. Ella was chattering in German to someone on the stairs. She wondered again for the hundredth time how this poor, slovenly, one-eyed, ill-kempt creature, scrub-woman and janitress, could speak two languages with such ease.

Jim lounged in the window and smoked his cigarette while Ella and Mary chattered in the kitchenette. In half an hour the scrub-woman had made her last trip with the extra dishes, and the little home was spick and span. Mary sprang on the couch and snuggled into Jim's arms. "I've changed our plans " he began thoughtfully. "We won't give up our honeymoon trip?" she cried in alarm.

Bines found herself in a populous side-street, driving home from a visit to the rheumatic scrub-woman who had now to be supported by the papers her miserable offspring sold. Mrs. Bines had never seen so many children as flooded this street. She wondered if an orphan asylum were in the neighbourhood.

"I might have known that you couldn't understand, that you never could understand why I am going away. I've lived with you all this time, and you do not know me any better than you know the scrub-woman. I'm going away from you forever." In spite of herself, she ended with an uncontrollable sob.

I hope that housekeeper hasn't a picture of her departed husband dangling, life- size, on the wall at the foot of the bed. But they always have. Good- night, son. Don't let the Bisons bite you. I'll be up at seven." But it was just 6:30 A.M. when Emma McChesney turned the little bend in the stairway that led to the office. The scrub-woman was still in possession.

I was not asked any questions tending to bring out the cause of the suspicion I entertained against the scrub-woman, nor were the discoveries I had made in conjunction with Mr. Gryce inquired into. It was just as well, perhaps, but I would never approve of a piece of work done for me in this slipshod fashion. A recess now followed.

The innocent helplessness of the daughter made their lot seem hard indeed. "Wait a moment," he said; and, stepping into a back office, he called the head housekeeper. There was work to be done. The main staircase and parlor hall were unswept because of the absence of the regular scrub-woman. "Is that her daughter with her?" asked the housekeeper, who could see them from where she was standing.

"Then you and Lemuel will steal cautiously down the stairs, as if you were Madge and I seeking to escape, while Madge and I, as Lemuel and the scrub-woman, will go down by the elevator. My father and Madge's father will seize you and Lemuel " "And I shall appear like a fool when they discover I am a respectable business man rigged up in woman's clothes," I said.

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