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Updated: August 1, 2024

I have seen men die while being lifted out of the ambulance men who would try to smile their thanks to us just before the end came. I have' She caught her hands in a tight grip, and her eyes welled with tears. 'But they're just jingoes, I suppose, she said, blending a scornfulness with her repressed grief. 'I have deserved this, said Selwyn, his face drawn.

'I did it, and still I continued merry? She subsided from her scornfulness on an involuntary 'Ah! that was a shudder. 'You acted Light Heart, madam, and too well to hoodwink me. Meanwhile you allowed that mischief to proceed, rather than have your crazy lullaby disturbed. 'Indeed, Mr. Camwell, you presume. 'The time, and my knowledge of what it is fraught with, demand it and excuse it.

Now and then, the sulky and sullen and frowning silence was broken by an observation evidently of bitter scornfulness addressed to Sir Henry James, and once there seemed even to be an angry interchange between him and Mr. Courtney because Mr. Courtney had ventured to put a civil question to Mr. Morley. Mr. Morley had to address a few words of hearty congratulation to Mr.

When I found out it wasn't so that your sin did make you suffer, and that it did make a difference trying to do right I felt some of my old Martha-ry scornfulness slipping away. And I got down on my knees, no words, but God understanding why. I don't like any kind of bitterness in my heart. I'd rather like people. But can you like a deceiver? You can't. Dr.

Not that Dr. Monygham was a prodigal either of laughter or of words. He was bitterly taciturn when at his best. At his worst people feared the open scornfulness of his tongue. Only Mrs. And Mrs. Gould had hastened to drop the subject. There were strange rumours of the English doctor.

Redgrave would not come; he had never seriously meant it; his Auf Wiedersehen was a mere civility to get rid of her in the street. Why had he troubled to inquire about her at all? Of course it didn't matter nothing mattered but if ever she met him again! Alma tried her features in expression of cold scornfulness.

Why does he look so sadly at me? He sunned himself in her scornfulness as if it were love, and his ears drank in her curt monosyllables as though they were rhapsodies of endearment. Strangely enough, the coldness with which she treated her foreigner began to be the conduct of Lord Icenway towards herself.

Nowhar else did I ever feel thet small as when watchin', as we is now, all these forces that is makin' the commotion 'round us. They all show us what pitiful weak creaters we is, and ther man who ever watched one storm at sea and ever arter dares to hev one feelin' uv pride or scornfulness, that thar man are weak somewhar and makes a spectacle of hisself."

But she remained and asked them all to listen to her. She had come there to defend herself, she said; she knew what people had accused her of: cruelty, scornfulness, arrogance, ingratitude, deception, and hatred. But she hated no one, she declared. She had deceived no one. Crysostom had loved her because of her beauty; but she had loved neither him nor any other man.

Such love as this is the only true source of happiness, since it alone raises man to the level of the divinity. Cavalcanti has in him not merely the subtlety but the scornfulness of a great divine. His wrath against all those who worship or defend a different god of Love knows no bounds. "I know not what to say of him who adores the goddess born of Saturn and sea-foam.

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