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'That lesson must be learned, he said, in a very quiet tone, but with a terrible intensity and with the certainty of Fate. All explanations and excuses he trod under foot with utter scornfulness. 'I want that problem. I don't want any reasons why I don't get it. "'I did study it two hours. "'That's nothing to me; I want the lesson.

"Is it not enough reason for my coming that you should be here?" She laughed softly, with a pleasant scornfulness. "I read you like a printed book," she said. "What else are women's wits given them for?" He fell to stroking her hand again at that, but she drew it away. "Not until you have told me," she said. So then he told her.

The simile must be accepted in its might, for no lesser one will express the scornfulness toward men displayed by this strikingly well-favoured, formal lady, whose heart of hearts demanded for her as spouse, a lord, a philosopher, and a Christian, in one: and he must be a member of Parliament. Hence her isolated air.

His voice had a sorrowful note, and it went to my heart to see how loving was his devotion to my brother. He, for his part, was well pleased to find in the young knight the companionship he had erewhile had in the pueri. After the young Bohemian's father had departed this life, the Emperor himself had dubbed his sorrowing son Knight, and nevertheless he was devoid alike of pride and scornfulness.

His voice had a sorrowful note, and it went to my heart to see how loving was his devotion to my brother. He, for his part, was well pleased to find in the young knight the companionship he had erewhile had in the pueri. After the young Bohemian's father had departed this life, the Emperor himself had dubbed his sorrowing son Knight, and nevertheless he was devoid alike of pride and scornfulness.

'I'm not acting. 'You don't mean anything by it that's all. 'No, perhaps not. Good-bye. 'Good-bye. I'm going away before very long. I dare say I shan't see you again before then. 'Where are you going to? 'Abroad. 'I suppose you'll bring back a foreign wife, she said with sad scornfulness. 'No, I'm not likely to do that.

The line reaching to a dimple from the upper lip was saved from scornfulness by the lovely gleam, half-challenging, half-consoling, regal, roguish what you would that sat between her dark eyelashes, like white sunlight on the fringed smooth roll of water by a weir.

Let us, in the consecration of resolved hearts, and in trembling obedience to the divine will, add our choral Amen, and in the face of all the paralysing suggestions of our own selfishness, and all the tempting voices of worldly wisdom and unbelieving scornfulness that would stay our enterprise, let us fling back the grand old answer, 'Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye, for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.

She drew back, a little offended that he should insist a second time upon this point, and there was a touch of scornfulness in her tones as she rejoined with dignity: "I do not deny that my brother has faults, but is that any reason why I should discuss them with a stranger?" "Don't say that, Penelope!"

Now, now, now, is the time to reckon with your seducer!" "Fareham, you cover me with insults!" He had rushed to the door, still carrying his naked sword; but he turned back as she spoke, and stood looking at her from head to foot with a savage scornfulness. "Insult!" he cried. "You have sunk too low for insult. There are no words that I know vile enough to stigmatise such disgrace as yours!