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Updated: August 7, 2024

But the Fathers never really feared this, although express orders had been given to withdraw her from the world for her salvation's sake. In reality they were easy, for they knew her, so gentle and so humble in her fear of becoming divine, in her ignorance of the colossal machine which she had put in motion, and the working of which would have made her recoil with affright had she understood it.

I believe myself the country would have done much better had the United Irish League gone on with its own blessed work of appeasement and national healing unhampered by what, as after knowledge conclusively proved to me, was nothing but a hypocritical unity for selfish salvation's sake. Mr O'Brien puts the whole position in a nutshell when he says: "The Party was reunified rather than reformed."

The king received him affectionately, exhorted him to change his religion for his salvation's sake in another world and his fortunes in this; and, addressing the people of quality who thronged his chamber, he said, "I do pray you as my friends, and as your king I order you, to recognize after my death my brother here.

Snawdor, teasingly. "We're turned 'Piscopal!" "You ain't ever got the nerve to be goin' over to the cathedral," Mrs. Smelts asked incredulously. "Sure, why not?" said Nance, giving her hat a more sophisticated tilt. "Salvation's as free there as it is anywhere."

In his left hand he waved the stub of a cigar, and on his back was an admirable representation of Balaam's head, executed by some artist with billiard chalk. As the elder sang his favorite hymn, "I'm glad salvation's free," his stentorian voice awoke the echoes. Most of the company rolled upon the floor in convulsions of laughter. The exhibition came to a close by the chair overturning.

Now the Gospel Sun is shining: Praise the Lord who set us free. In one loud and joyful chorus, Heart and soul now join will we; Salvation's Sun is shining o'er us! Praise the Lord who set us free. Part II I. The Dead Papoose. The Maiden's Feast. II. Grand Mother Pond. Oak Grove Mission. III. Anpetuzapawin. A Legend of St Anthony Falls. IV. Aunt Jane the Red Song Woman.

Good in which the man is and which is done by him for salvation's sake is self-righteous, but not that in which the Lord is. Few can grasp with understanding that acknowledgment of the Lord, and acknowledgment that all good and truth are from Him, cause one to be reformed and regenerated.

This is no low order or caste in Heaven, but they who belong to it vie with higher angels, and taste sweetness beyond the capacity of those who, in other respects, are our peers. The angels desire to look into the deep mystery of salvation's plan. The matured and maturing spirits of those who left sinful worlds before God held them accountable for their deeds.

"Salvation's kyar is movin'." Still, above all, Jordan's voice could be distinguished as a fine musical instrument, and whether breaking through the tune in a volley of exhortations, or rising superior to it all in a rich tenor his words thrown in snatches, or drawn out to suit his purpose never once did it mar the wonderful harmony of the whole. It was a scene one could not easily forget.

Saturday my life to take I determined like a man, But for my salvation's sake Sunday morning changed my plan! Then he sang again: 'Oh dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dim, Say where did they last see him? And after that, winking, twitching his shoulders, and footing it to the tune, he sang: 'I will kiss you and embrace, Ribbons red twine round you; And I'll call you little Grace.

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