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Would Sundown condescend to grace their home with his presence again and soon? Sundown would, be Gosh! He sure did like music, especially them Spanish songs what made a fella kind of shivery and sad-like from his boots up. And that part of the country looked good to him.

But I never called him anything but the Old Man, and that name seemed to fit him, for he wuz one of your sollum babies, alwuz thinkin' 'nd thinkin' 'nd thinkin', like he wuz a jedge, and when he laffed it wuzn't like other children's laffs, it wuz so sad-like.

"Louder, louder," I calls to Robert J., in answering which he began the most awful contortions. "You can hear me perfectly plain," says the dominie, now kind of sad-like. "It fills my old heart with sorrow to see that yous all have gone so far astray." Hearing that, so calm, so distinct, so defiant, made Robert J. stop short and stare.

'Suppose I hadn't the money? sez I. 'I should be obliged, sez he in a kind o' pained Christian-martyr way, 'ter sell YOUR hoss for two hundred, and send the money to my fr'en'. We looked at each other steddy for a minit and then I counts him out a hundred and fifty. He took the money sad-like and then sez: 'Mr. Borem, sez he, 'this is a great morril lesson to us, and went back to the office.

But I thought that you and me might save lawyer's fees and all fuss and feathers, ef, in a sociable, sad-like way, lookin' back sorter on Roger ez you and me once knew him, we had a quiet talk together." "Good morning, sir," said Mrs. Catron, rising stiffly. The captain hesitated a moment, a slight flush of color came in his face as he at last rose as the lady backed out of the room.

"By this time them wolf-fox-hounds has flown into them hills, they touchin' th' ground 'bout every hunderd feet. An' Bull ain't one to let no hounds see him quit, an' he plows along, till at last he gets t' them hills an' is lost t' sight but t' mem'ry dear. Well, I goes back t' that rock, an' sits down, sad-like, thinkin' mebbe I never will see Bull again.

Fellows who had been to his place, when girls was mentioned would sort of shake their heads sad-like and say, 'Yes, but you had ought to see old man Rhett's Polly, all the rest is imitations! Seemed like they couldn't get her off their minds. So I just slung my kit to my back, shouldered my rifle, and hoofed it up-stream.

What a bonnet that was lying beside her dear round arm in the po'trait, and her finger up making a dimple in her cheek, as if she was thinking of us in a sorrowful way. That's the arts o' being lady-like look sad-like. How could we get a bonnet for you?" "My own must do," said Rhoda. "Yes, and you to look like lady and servant-gal a-goin' out for an airin'; and she to feel it! Pretty, that'd be!"

Ef dere is a man in your room, he shall shar de fate ob dat villain dat I've 'spected ob bein' a tief afore. An' he went an' looken in Missy Roberta's room. In a few moments he come back an' say, 'Dere was a man dar, but he 'scape troo de winder on de verandy-roof. Ef I kin discober 'im he shall die too. Den he say, grave an' sad-like: 'Ladies, dere is bad men in eb'ry army.

There set Bill jist as I knowed he was settin', lonesome-like, sad-like; his head hangin' down; he never looked up at me; never said a word knowed I wuz there all the time, but never said a word an' never made a sign. How changed Bill wuz oh, Bill, how changed ye wuz! There wuz furrers in yer face an' yer hair wuz white as white as as white as mine!