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Peter was the one to break the silence, and he ignored that which was in his thoughts. "Goin' to the ranch on foot, and by way of Eve's shack," he said in his gently humorous fashion. "Ye-es," responded Jim after a moment's thought. Then he added with a conscious laugh, "My 'plug' is back there at Rocket's tie-post, waiting, saddled." Then he went on, becoming suddenly earnest.

Occasionally, gleams of light were thrown across them from a fire- ball; or a rocket's starry train was still seen drawn in the air, resembling the wake of a ship at night, as it wades through the ocean. Gentle Octavia, Let your best love draw to that point, which seeks But to preserve it.

Hugh was very weak, very nervous, too, and turning his head away so that she could not see his face, he let the hot tears drop upon his pillow; slowly at first they came, but gradually as everything his embarrassed condition, Rocket's loss, 'Lina's selfishness, and Alice's generosity, came rushing over him they fell in perfect torrents, and Alice felt a keen pang of pity, as sob after sob smote upon her ear, and she knew the shame it must be to him thus to give away before her.

The moment his face was turned from her his smile died out, leaving it stern and hard. Silas Rocket's saloon was more than usually desirable just now. There was so much news of an exciting nature going about. Of course, fertile invention was brought to bear in its purveyance, but that only made it the more exciting.

He shook his head, and sweat ran down the sides of his face. The rocket continued its rapidly accelerating fall, and heat built up, even from the thin air at a hundred and twenty miles. At the rocket's velocity of fall, Rick had less than two minutes to live. Pegasus was approaching dense air that would heat its skin to incandescence.

'Who's that? he said, pushin' inter the crowd, and like a mad dog yelled out five-fifty, and then he set to cussin' who 'twas biddin' ag'in him. I hearn them 'round me say, 'That fetches it. Rocket's a goner, when I flung the halter in Harney's ugly face, and came off home to tell you.

I'll practice shooting at a mark, and if Hugh is killed I'll oh, Hugh! Hugh " She could not tell what she would do, for the woman conquered all other feelings, and laying her face on Rocket's silken mane, she sobbed aloud. "There's pluck, by George!" muttered the old colonel. "I most wish Nell was that way of thinking."

He saw the fire light, he saw the clear stars through the tree-tops, he heard the gurgle of the stream, the stamp of the horses, the occasional barking of the dog which followed the cook's wagon, the hooting of an owl; and when these failed he saw Jeff, standing on a battlement, mid the rocket's red glare, and heard him sing, "Oh, say, can you see?", It was the first time he had ever slept on the ground.

It had been difficult enough, with just the rocket to worry about. But with Rick's life in his hands . . . John Gordon and Gee-Gee Gould were standing by, relaying information to the pilot. Jerry watched the shape on the radar screen climb to higher altitude and asked, "What's his velocity?" Dr. Bond was doing the calculations, based on the rocket's travel through the radar beam.

If the rocket from Earth turned north or east it would continue to move up and merely add the other motion to its vertical rise. Joe stared at the uncoiling thread of vapor which was the murder rocket's trail. He hated it so fiercely that he wanted to escape it even at the cost of destruction, merely to foil its makers.