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When he was greeting his guests at the door of his cabin, Yarebrough picked up the jug and the coin, and disappeared into the woods. Wendell was taking the baroness off her horse, and Bob was performing the same office for Sydney, when Von Rittenheim reached them. "We are come to beg a welcome fr-rom you for a few minutes, dear Friedrich," said Hilda, in English.

Then he turned in the direction of the Yarebroughs', and ran feverishly along the path. His knock upon the door was answered by a sleepy "Who's that?" and the click of a gun's hammer. Von Rittenheim explained his identity, and Bud responded by opening the door an ungenerous crack. The Baron told his necessity, how his sister-in-law had arrived unexpectedly, and would Mrs.

Von Rittenheim, faint from lack of food, sick at heart over his position, and filled with disgust at his betrayal, was in a mood to accept any suspicion, and the evil thought grew fat within him. He pondered every word of his conversation with the Morgans, and fancied that he saw indisputable evidence of the Doctor's falseness in his talk about whisky.

Bob and Friedrich pushed on on adjoining courses, an occasional cry of "malerisch," or "zauberisch," showing that von Rittenheim was regarding the scene as well as the sport. On the other side of Bob climbed Wendell, sullenly self-reproachful in the Baron's presence, yet of too exuberant a nature not to be alive to the excitement of the chase.

She noticed the men and boys who strolled with apparent aimlessness towards the thicket on the edge of the field, and returned wiping their lips on their sleeves. And she saw Katrina talking animatedly to Baron von Rittenheim, who sat beside her, while Patton McRae watched her with adoring eyes, and Tom wore the conscious smile that indicates the young husband's pride of possession.

Morgan for that arrangement." Von Rittenheim sat erect and stared at the little old lady before him. A look of confused and struggling recollection was called into life by her words. "I must thank whom?" The spirit of the gallant adventurer who had been Mrs. Carroll's immigrant ancestor to the Virginia wilds pushed her on to dare the situation.

She found von Rittenheim at her side, and turned upon him fiercely. "How dare you?" she cried, in an undertone. "How dare you do such a thing? You know I never have given any man my picture, once I told you so, and you have made this a picture of me alone. You, who " She broke off, choking, but she had enough voice to add,

It will give me pleasure," said von Rittenheim, politely, with vague notions of birds floating through his brain. "Did he Bud br-ring no message for me yesterday in the afternoon?" "No. He said the Doctor 'lowed he'd 'tend to hit what yo' letter was about when the mud dried, 'n Bud reckoned that wasn' no message, 'n hit wasn' no use goin' over to tell you jus' that."

It was a natural pride that deterred von Rittenheim from confessing to these friends of not many months' standing that he had sold the chair, the only thing in the house worth selling, and had sold it from necessity. The Doctor was right in his suspicions that the Baron was not getting on comfortably.

Fortunately for him he was in love with some one else, which was his safeguard, but he was willing enough to singe his wings, and the Baroness was determined to make him give up his marriage, as a sign that he loved her." Von Rittenheim stared at the mountains and thought of Sydney. Von Sternburg continued,