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Updated: August 5, 2024

It is of most stimulating qualities. It is called Ana. "Few implements are in use; the Rint is taken in short spoons and the fruit is usually manipulated with the fingers.

Shure isn't Pat Reynolds in Ballinamore Bridewell on his account, an' two other boys from the mountains behind Drumleesh, becaze they found a thrifle of half malted barley up there among them? an' be the same token, Joe was sayin', if the frind of the family war parsecuting them that way, an' puttin' his brother in gaol, whilst the masthur wouldn't rise a finger, barrin' for the rint, the sooner he an' his were off the estate, the betther he'd like it; for Joe sed he'd not be fightin' agin his own masthur, but whin you war not his masthur any more, then let every one look to hisself."

'No more agints, nor gales o' rint, nor nothin', ever to pay! 'Not forgetting the tax-gatherer, interposed portly Mr. Benson. 'None of us are partikler sorry to part with him. Meanwhile the comely bride was sitting with her husband at one side of the table, thankful for the diversion from herself as a topic of enthusiasm and mirth.

"It brings your fellow-countrymen over here twice a week." "You're very complimentary, sir," said she. "Very complimentary, I declare!" "Not a bit of it, ma'am," he replied, delighted at the idea of her taking his remark seriously. "Don't you, in your `swate little island' call poor piggy `the jintleman who pays the rint, eh?"

Connell," said their landlord, "say no more. The farm is yours, and you may, consider yourselves as my tenants." "Many thanks to you, sir, for the priference. I hope, sir, you'll not rue what you did in givin' it to us before them that offered a higher rint. You'll find, sir, wid the help o' the Almighty, that we'll pay you your rint rigular an' punctual."

Every man was to be a kind of king in his own country, evictions were to be utterly unknown; the peasantry were to live rent free, under a visionary scheme of which he had all the absurd particulars; the old sporting maxim reminding farmers that landlord shooting begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st was to become obsolete by reason of a complete extinction of the species only an odd one being occasionally dug out of the bogs along with trunks of bog-oak and skeletons of the great Irish elk; while the family pig, which, having for ages occupied a responsible position in the matter of "Rint," is understood to be an inveterate landlord-hater, will be released from his delicate situation, will be relieved from his harassing anxieties, will no longer be sacrificed to the exigencies of the occasion; but, on the contrary, will peacefully expire of old age, surrounded by every tribute of respect.

"Now Miss Marie, she's savin' like, not through meanness, but because she's got the good Irish heart that boils against payin' rint, and she's hoardin' crown by shillin' till she kin buy her a cabin and to say a pertaty patch for a garden, somewhere out where it's green! Faith! but she'll do it too; she's a manager!

"You mean to tell me that you're putting up a house?" "The bit of a rint, sor, in Street." The contrast was dramatic. The man who emptied my ashes was erecting tenements and I was looking for work that would bring me in food. My people had lived in this country some two hundred years or more, and Murphy had probably not been here over thirty.

"So, your honor, considherin' everything, we're willin' to offer thirty shillin's an acre for the farm. That rint, sir, we'll be able to pay, wid the help o' God, for sure we can do nothin' widout his assistance, glory be to his name!

If you get a lase of it at a fair rint, I'll buy another horse, any how. Isn't that doin' the thing dacent'?" "More power to you, Ellish! I'll hold you a crown, I pay you the price o' the horse afore this time twelvemonth." "Done! The sarra be off me but done! an' here's Barny Dillon an' Katty Hacket to bear witness." "Sure enough we will," said Barny, the servant.

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