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Meredith comes here is quite a matter outside our knowledge," said the diplomatic lady, and Lydia laughed in spite of herself. She spent half an hour making herself presentable for the forthcoming ordeal. As a church clock struck eight, there came another tap on the door. It was Mrs. Rennett again. "They are waiting," she said. Her face was a little pale and her lips trembled.

Jean had said half jestingly that Jack Glover would be a frequent visitor at the flat; in point of fact, he did not come at all. Even when she visited the offices of Rennett, Glover and Simpson, it was Mr. Rennett who attended to her, and Jack was invisible. Mr. Rennett sometimes explained that he was at the courts, for Jack did all the court work, sometimes that he had gone home.

All night long she had sat in the little bedroom to which Mrs. Rennett had led her, thinking and thinking and thinking. She could not sleep, although she had tried hard, and most of the night she spent pacing up and down from window to door turning over the amazing situation in which she found herself.

We traced it to a gate at the back of your premises, and the gate has been opened recently probably by Mr. Meredith when he came to the house. It's a queer case, Mr. Rennett." "What is the pistol?" "That's new too," said Colhead. "Belgian make and impossible to trace, I should imagine. You can't keep track of these Belgian weapons.

Whilst poor Meredith was alive she was in no particular danger. But do you realise that what were advantages from our point of view, namely, the fact that she had no relations in the world, are to-day a source of considerable peril to this unfortunate lady?" "I had forgotten that," said Rennett thoughtfully.

"You're very impertinent!" she said hotly and, as she felt, foolishly. "I'm very pertinent, really. By the way, my name is Glover John Glover, of the firm of Rennett, Glover and Simpson. The gentleman at your side is Mr. Charles Rennett, my senior partner. We are a firm of solicitors, but how long we shall remain a firm," he added pointedly, "depends rather upon you."

No word was spoken, and Lydia was too bewildered to ask questions until the car was on its way. Then the younger man chuckled. "Clever, Rennett!" he said. "I tell you, those people are super-humanly brilliant!" "I'm not a great admirer of villainy," said the other gruffly, and the younger man, who was sitting opposite the girl, laughed. "You must take a detached interest, my dear chap.

"Upon me?" said the girl in genuine astonishment. "Well, I can't say that I have so much love for lawyers " "That I can well understand," murmured Mr. Glover. "But I certainly do not wish to dissolve your partnership," she went on. "It is rather more serious than that," said Mr. Rennett, who was sitting by her side.

The car turned into a narrow drive, and proceeded some distance through an avenue of trees before it pulled up at the pillared porch of a big house. Rennett helped her to alight and ushered her through the door, which opened almost as they stopped, into a large panelled hall. "This is the way, let me show you," said the younger man.

"By the way, Rennett, did you see that a fellow had been released from prison to a nursing home for a minor operation the other day? There was a question asked in Parliament about it. Is it usual?" "It can be arranged," said Rennett. "Why?" "Do you think in a few months' time we could get Jim Meredith into a nursing home for say an appendix operation?"