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She was making the second when the red-haired person came back with an empty cup. "I forgot to explain," he said, "that beef tea and red pepper's the treatment for our young friend in there. After a man has been burning his stomach daily with a quart or so of raw booze " "I beg your pardon," said Jane coolly. Booze was not considered good form on the hill the word, of course.

All at once the children heard some one calling: "Bunny! Sue! Where are you?" "That's Bunker Blue," said Bunny. "Here we are!" answered Sue. "Bunny's got something in his trap! Come and help us get it, Bunker." There was a noise in the bushes, a dog barked, and along came the red-haired boy and Splash. The box was moving about more quickly now, for the heavy stone was not on top.

It fell upon the red-haired girl and soothed her. Tess knew that Teola would be expecting her, and that Frederick would turn his face away when she presented the child for baptism, but no cloud gathered into the downcast eyes, for Tessibel's faith had grown since she knew that Myra's prayers had been answered.

Nancy Nelson came near laughing right out in the classroom; but she could cram both letters into her pocket and go on with her studies with a more composed mind. Scorch was evidently her friend. And eminently practical, as he declared. Nothing could be more practical than that twenty-dollar bill. And the red-haired Irish boy had put it into Mr. Gordon's mind to send her this substantial tip.

There had been an accident in front of the factory, and the details were under discussion. "Well, I know all about it," declared the red-haired girl, excitedly, "'cause my sister was the first one that got to her." "Is your sister a nigger named Jim Brown?" asked Lovey Mary, derisively. "Ever'body says he was the first one got there."

'The 'ole thing, continued the expert, 'is to feint with your left and 'it with your right. This was excellent in theory, no doubt, but Tony felt that when he came to put it into practice Allen might have other schemes on hand and bring them off first. 'Are you ready? Seconds out of the ring.... Time! 'Go in, sir, 'ard, whispered the red-haired man as Tony rose from his place.

"There's a girl named Nancy Olden that could tell you a lot, smart as you are. She could show you the inside of the Cruelty, where she was put so young she never knew that children had mothers and fathers, till a red-haired girl named Mag Monahan told her; and then she was mighty glad she hadn't any.

In fact, she is a regular beldame. You have seen her once, so what do you think of her? Whether or not Phaldoni has any other name I do not know, but at least he answers to this one, and every one calls him by it. A red-haired, swine-jowled, snub-nosed, crooked lout, he is for ever wrangling with Theresa, until the pair nearly come to blows. In short, life is not overly pleasant in this place.

Our experience in the Polperro incident had shown us both that too much zeal may be more dangerous than too little. Nevertheless, taught by previous misfortunes, we kept watching our man pretty close, determined that on this occasion, at least, he should neither do us nor yet escape us. About four o'clock the red-haired young man and his pretty little wife came up to call for us.

To tell the truth I had been a little scandalized all through this story, for I knew well enough that there was a Mrs. Carruthers. I had not met her she had been South through the months which her husband had spent in New York but the General's strong language concerning the red-haired girl made me sympathize with his wife, and this last sentiment was staggering. Poor Mrs.