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As it was impossible to carry the case to the Pyramids on that night, Bolton had placed it in his bedroom at the Sailor's Rest, a mean little public-house of no very savory reputation near the water's edge.

The yacht stopped at Gibraltar, where we climbed the rock and saw the monkeys that lived in the caverns on the top; at Malta, where we went up the "Nothing to Eat" stairs mentioned in Midshipman Easy: and then, sailing up the Levant, the Moonshine she was eighty tons, and the crack of the RYS was laid up at anchor for a long time at Alexandria, while we went ashore, going through the Suez Canal, across the desert to Cairo, and thence to the pyramids, after which we started for Greece.

And when I chanced to mention that to-night would be full moon the night of nights when the Sphinx and the Ghizeh Pyramids held their court Monny begged to have the bad taste of her naughtiness taken out of her mouth by a dinner at Mena House. We might dine early, and plunge into the desert later, when the moon was high.

At eight o'clock in the morning we safely reached the quay of Alexandria. Alexandria Keeping quarantine Want of arrangement in the quarantine house Bad water Fumigating of the rooms Release Aspect of the city Departure by boat for Atfe Mehemet Ali Arrival at Atfe Excellence of the Nile water Good-nature of the Arab women The Delta of the Nile The Libyan desert The pyramids Arrival at Cairo.

Jasher, even though she fancied that the lively widow was planning to become the mistress of the Pyramids. "Well, my dear girl," said Mrs. Jasher, shading her face from the fire with a large fan, "and how is your dear father after his late terrible experiences?" "He is perfectly well, and rather cross," replied Lucy, smiling. "Cross?" "Of course. He has lost that wretched mummy."

The Egyptians, d'ye see, are men who, ever since the earth was, have had giants for sovereigns, and armies as numerous as ants; for, you must understand, that's the land of genii and crocodiles, where they've built pyramids as big as our mountains, and buried their kings under them to keep them fresh an idea that pleased 'em mightily.

Within these walls are extensive terraces and pyramidal buildings, massive stone columns, idols, and altars covered with sculpture. The numerous terraces and pyramids are also walled with cut stone, and ornamented with carved heads of gigantic proportions, and colossal idols of solid stone from ten to fifteen feet in height.

Each step being full as high as a dinner-table; there being very, very many of the steps; an Arab having hold of each of our arms and springing upward from step to step and snatching us with them, forcing us to lift our feet as high as our breasts every time, and do it rapidly and keep it up till we were ready to faint, who shall say it is not lively, exhilarating, lacerating, muscle-straining, bone-wrenching and perfectly excruciating and exhausting pastime, climbing the Pyramids?

Not long after the catastrophe designated as the flood, emblems of the Deity, representations of the male and female elements, appear in profusion. Babylon, at which place was erected the Tower of Belus, and Memphis, which contained the Pyramids, were among the first cities which were built.

Looking from the minaret the Two could see, far off, the Pyramids of Ghizeh and Sakkara, the wells of Helouan, the Mokattam Hills, the tombs of the Caliphs, the Khedive's palace at distant Abbasiyeh. Nearer by, the life of the city was spread out. Little green oases of palms emerged from the noisy desert of white stone and plaster.