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"See!" cried Katherine, with girlish delight, "see, my cousin! see, Barnstable! how beautifully that vapor is wreathing itself in clouds above the smoky line of fog! It stretches already into the very heavens like a lofty pyramid!" Barnstable sprang lightly on a gun, as he repeated her words: "Pyramids of fog! and wreathing clouds! By heaven!" he shouted, "'tis a tall ship!

In the evenings he wandered about the neighbourhood as far as Boulak, admiring the palaces of the Khedives, and watching the steamboats and dahabîehs arrive and depart for the Nile. At times he would stray further afield to the great Pyramids, and stand motionless with astonishment before their towering stone wonders.

They approached the borders of the desert in boats, to within half a league of the pyramid, by means of the canals from the Nile. Denon says, "the first impression made on me by the sight of the pyramids, did not equal my expectations, for I had no object with which to compare them; but on approaching them, and seeing men at their base, their gigantic size became evident."

Her father had been half centaur and half god; her mother was the child of a desert lion and that sphinx that watches the pyramids; she was more mystical than Woman. Her beauty was as a dream, was as a song; the one dream of a lifetime dreamed on enchanted dews, the one song sung to some city by a deathless bird blown far from his native coasts by storm in Paradise.

Hundreds of torches, burnt down to their very roots, flickered luridly in the midst of this blue fire of hell, and the heaped-up fire works, the Bengali pyramids and the rockets and crackers flamed, fizzled and banged about in the midst of the terrible heat.

On each side of this, the central point, there rose upward slender pyramids pointed obelisks domes of the most graceful proportions, columns, arches and lofty towers, for number and for form, beyond my power to describe.

'After I have looked at the scenery a while I will open the throttle on this dromedary, and we will go and visit the Pyramids.

"Society, Professor," he addressed himself to a weeping girl, "society has pyramids to build which make menials a necessity, and Nature furnishes the menials all in dark uniform. She I cannot tell you you will find all in the Philippique Générale. Ah! Honoré, is it " He suddenly ceased. "I have lost my glasses." Beads of sweat stood out upon his face. He grew frightfully pale.

We are informed that "all nations have at one time or another passed through violent stages of pyrolatry, a word which reminds us that fire and phallic cult flourished around the pyramids.... Every town in Greece had a Pyrtano."

You called Egypt a marvellous country, or something like it; and so in truth it is, not merely on account of the great piles there that you call Pyramids and such like, but because things happen here which in Rome would be as impossible as moonshine at mid-day, or a horse with his tail at the end of his nose!