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Updated: August 4, 2024

The moment she saw Corny she stepped up to her. "Wont you buy some rose-buds, missy?" she said. "De puttiest rose-buds I ever brought you yit." Corny looked at her with a withering glare, but Priscilla didn't wither a bit. She was a poor hand at withering. "Please buy 'em, missy. I kep' 'em fur you. I been a-keepin' 'em all de mornin'."

"Well, turn about's fa'r play, they say, an' I think you're the most genuine creetur' I ever seen," responded Jim. "All we want up in the woods now is a woman, an' I'd sooner have ye thar nor any other." "Poh! what a spoon you are!" said Miss Butterworth, tossing her head. "Then there's timber enough in me fur the puttiest kind of a buckle." "But you're a blockhead a great, good blockhead.

It is evident that the Indian has a comrade in the woods, yet not one of the band seems to know aught of him or his comrade. Yes, one does. It is Rube. "Look'ee hyur, boyees!" cries he, squinting over his shoulders; "I'll stake this rib against a griskin o' poor bull that 'ee'll see the puttiest gal as 'ee ever set yur eyes on."

"Whut come of it?" "Oh, nuthin' much. Hauled him home in a wagin. Say, it was the puttiest wagin I ever seen yaller stripes on the wheels, an' it clucked like a hen with her fust drove of chickens. But I tell you I come mighty nigh a gittin' some money down thar. A feller had three shells an' bet me I couldn't guess which one of 'em he put a pea under.

"I don't see how you dare ask me to buy your flowers!" exclaimed Corny. "Go away! I never want to see you again. After all you did " "Please, missy, buy jist this one bunch. These is the puttiest red-rose buds in dis whole town. De red roses nearly all gone." "Nearly all gone," said I. "What do you mean by telling such a fib?" "You know that there are red roses here all the year."

We were told that if any of our number achieved the apparently impossible feat of passing the entire line, and could reach the foot of the cliff without being overtaken that our lives would be spared. I asked the old trapper if he believed this. "Not by a durn sight," was his reply; "its all a cussed injun lie, just to make us do our puttiest; they'll roast us all the same, blast 'em."

The mouths of the three first animals were distended with frightful significance, the horns of the last were lowered as ominously. As Genevra was preparing to faint, she heard a low voice behind her. "Eternally dog-gone my skin ef this ain't the puttiest chance yet!" At the same moment, a long, shining barrel dropped lightly from behind her, and rested over her shoulder. Genevra shuddered.

But I gotter thinkin' her over, and by hokey if it didn't jest come home to me. Times was when my dooryard was the puttiest around all Stanhope, with the flowers abloomin', an' every scrap tidied up; but in them happy days Mandy an' the kids was there, ye see; an' sense they was took it 'peared like I never cared what things looked like; an' that's a fact, boys."

The captain had some towels under the little forward deck, and I gave myself a good rub down and dressed. Then I went to look at my prize. No wonder it was heavy. It had a young rock, a foot long, fast to its root. "You sp'iled one o' de puttiest things in that garden down there," said the captain. "I allus anchored near that tall feather, and all de vis'tors used to talk about it.

Know'd a feller that was app'inted once, and he was shot between the eyes puttiest shot you ever saw. Man said, 'You couldn't do that ag'in in ten years, and putty soon thar come along another deputy, an' blamed if he didn't do it ag'in." "I wish you wouldn't pester me so when I've already got trouble on my mind." "What's troublin' you, Margaret?"

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