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Aunt Polly wiped her eyes on her apron. "But, Dave," she said, "did the deakin really say that word?" "Wa'al," he replied, "if 'twa'n't that it was the puttiest imitation on't that ever I heard." "David," she continued, "don't you think it putty mean to badger the deakin so't he swore, an' then laugh 'bout it? An' I s'pose you've told the story all over."

"I doan no what dat is, sar." "I mean is she pretty?" "Yas, sar, dat she is. It is gin out dat she is de puttiest 'oman in dis settlement, and I git so tired taking horses ob gemmen dat cum to see her." "Then I expect she is bethrothed." "I doan no 'bout dat, but she ses dat de rite gemman hab not cum yit." "I must go down now, the Colonel may be waiting for me. Here is a dollar for you.

"So you are Bob Carter's leetle gal, the one he used to brag on so much to the boys, eh? Well, durn my pictur', if he didn't have good reason to! You look like your mammy, Miss, and she were the puttiest filly that ever run over this range! An' as good as she were purty!

We worked down dar. Oh! Mah Lawd! How we did work all ovah dat bottom. De puttiest fiel' ah evah did see. De Traylor's owned hit den. Later on de Tatums bought hit fum dem and years aftuh dat de Nash's bought hit fum de Tatums. But new all uv dat place is growed up. Nothing but er pine thicket and er black berry thicket. Ye caint hardly walk through de place. Later on de Cobbs owned us.

"Please, boss," said Priscilla, rolling her eyes at me like an innocent calf, "wont you buy dese roses fur missy? They's the puttiest roses I ever brought her yit." "I guess you've got a calcareous conscience, haven't you?" said Rectus.

A settin' thar jest as quiet as could be, a listin' to a man that was makin' the puttiest speech, a talkin' like a preacher, an' all at once you hopped up an' made at him an' I never seed such a fight an' you come a walkin' back to me with yo' hands full of his hair. Laws a massy, don't I ricolleck it?" "Talkin' putty! W'y, Margaret, the feller was a tellin' of a lie.

"Reckon not, Miss Kate," said the old man. "You don't s'pose I was a-goin' to frighten away yer game. I seed you a-stoopin' down aimin' at somethin', and I jist creeped along a little at a time to see what it was. Why, what did come over you, Miss Kate, to let that ole har go? It was the puttiest shot I ever did see." "Oh!

I tackled on to one o' them ahint, an' gin him a settler in the hump ribs; but the way he finished the other wur a caution to Crockett. 'Twur the puttiest lick I ever seed in these hyur mountains, an' I've seed a good few, I reckin." "How was it?" "'Ee know, the Injun that are, the Coco fit wi' a hatchet?" "Yes."

"Take the lines a minute," said David, handing them to his companion after stopping the horses. "The nigh one's picked up a stone, I guess," and he got out to investigate. "The river road," he remarked as he climbed back into the buggy after removing the stone from the horse's foot, "is about the puttiest road 'round here, but I don't drive it oftener jest on account of them dum'd loose stuns."

"O, Daniel," said Aunt Katie, half chidingly, "how you do talk." "Why, it's true. I 'member when you war de puttiest gal in dese diggins; when nobody could top your cotton." "I don't," said Aunt Katie. "Well, I do. Now, let me go on wid my story.