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He's got a woman that would take two coppers off the collection plate while she was purtendin' to put on one, if she could, and then spend them for a brass pin or a string of glass beads. Won't her eyes bung when I tell her about this? She wanted my Peter Hartman kiver for her ironin' board. Show me the rest!" "This is the dining-room," said the Girl, leading the way.

They're purtendin' to be stuck on goin', an' I've made the bargain to pacify 'em; but, say, do you know what kind of a place it is out on one o' them ranches?" "In a general way, yes," said I. "W'l, a general way wun't do," said he. "You've got to git right down to p'ticklers t' know about it, so's to know. It's seventy-five miles from a post-office an' twenty-five to the nearest house.

"Are you that?" sez I; "thin I'm O'Connell the Dictator, an' by this you will larn to kape a civil tongue in your rag-box." 'Wid that I stretched Scrub Greene an' wint to the orf'cer's tent. 'Twas a new little bhoy not wan I'd iver seen before. He was sittin' in his tent, purtendin' not to 'ave ear av the racket. 'I saluted but for the life av me I mint to shake hands whin I went in.

"'Three miles, sais he. I took out my pocket-book purtendin' to write down the distance, but I booked his sayin' in my way-bill. "Yes, that is a Blue-nose; is it any wonder, Stranger, he is small potatoes and few in a hill?"

'Oh! says she, 'there's no use in purtendin', I know he's kilt himself; he has committed infantycide an himself, says she, 'like a dissipated bliggard as he always was, says she, 'God rest his soul. Oh, thin, isn't it me an' not you, Jim Soolivan, that's the unforthunate woman, says she, 'for ain't I cryin' here, an' isn't he in heaven, the bliggard, says she.

Wal, one o' them two was Stutter's catch, a high-kickin' Mexican dancin' gal down ter San Juan. I ain't goin' ter tell yer what I think o' her fer fear o' gittin' perforated. She hed 'long with her another performer, a darn good-looker, too, as near as I could make out in the dark. Wal, them two gals was purtendin' ter be huntin' arter you; wanted ter warn yer agin Farnham, er some sich rot.

"Leave that 'ere rarebut alone. Want him to go sneaking an' telling the perlice, and purtendin' it was me." The dog gave up chasing an unfortunate rabbit through the bushes, and came trotting up, with hanging head and tail, to his master's side, where he crouched down panting and flinching as Pete raised his hand and made believe to strike. "I'll half smash yer if yer don't mind," he snarled.

And maybe it's wondherin' you are that the waiver would think of goin' to fight the dhraggin afther what he heerd about him, when he was purtendin' to be asleep, but he had no sitch notion; all he intended was, to fob the goold, and ride back again to Duleek with his gains and a good horse.

"Now, look here, Idy," he said; "you'd ought to quit foolin'. You know what I mean well enough; you're just purtendin'. You know I want to marry ye." "Me!" The girl lifted her brows until they disappeared under the edge of her much-becurled bang. "Want to marry me! Great Scott!" "I don't see why it's great Scott or great anything else," said Parker doggedly.

"'May be, sez I. 'Was he a friend av yours that saw ye home four times in the fortnight? "'Yes, sez she, but her mouth was down at the corners, 'An' an' what's that to you? she sez. "'Ask Dempsey, sez I, purtendin' to go away. "'Did you fight for me then, ye silly man? she sez, tho' she knew ut all along. "'Who else? sez I, an' I tuk wan pace to the front.