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When she finds 'em lyin' and deceivin'; when she finds em purtendin' one thing and doin' another; when she finds 'em makin' fools tumble to 'em; playing soots on their own husbands, and turnin' an honest house into a music-hall and a fandango shop, she kicks! You hear me! Jane Mackinnon kicks!" "What do you mean?" said Mr. Rylands sternly.

"Ask Dempsey," sez I, purtendin' to go away. "Did you fight for me then, ye silly man?" she sez, tho' she knew ut all along. "Who else?" sez I, an' I tuk wan pace to the front. "I wasn't worth ut," sez she, fingerin' in her apron, "That's for me to say," sez I. "Shall I say ut?"

"'When my father heerd that, he seen there was no use in purtendin', so he tuck hould iv the leg, an' he kept pullin' an' pullin', till the sweat, God bless us, beginned to pour down his face. "'Pull, you divil', says the squire. "'At your sarvice, your honour, says my father. "'Pull harder, says the squire. "My father pulled like the divil.

"'Are you that? sez I; 'thin I'm O'Connell the Dictator, an' by this you will larn to kape a civil tongue in your rag-box. "Wid that I stretched Scrub Greene an' wint to the orf'cer's tent. 'Twas a new little bhoy not wan I'd iver seen before. He was sittin' in his tent, purtendin' not to 'ave ear av the racket. "I saluted but for the life av me I mint to shake hands whin I went in.

So, with that, he wint over to the waiver and shuck him by the shouldher for to wake him, and the waiver rubbed his eyes as if just wakened, and the king says to him, 'God save you, said he. 'God save you kindly, says the waiver, purtendin' he was quite onknowst who he was spakin' to. 'Do you know who I am, says the king, 'that you make so free, good man?

'When my father heerd that, he seen there was no use in purtendin', so he tuk hould iv the leg, an' he kep' pullin' an' pullin', till the sweat, God bless us, beginned to pour down his face. "Pull, you divil!" says the squire. "At your sarvice, your honour," says my father. "'Pull harder," says the squire. 'My father pulled like the divil.

"'Three miles, sais he. I took out my pocket-book purtendin' to write down the distance, but I booked his sayin' in my way-bill. "Yes, that is a Blue-nose; is it any wonder, Stranger, he is small potatoes and few in a hill?"