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In the broom-sellers' cottage, across the common, on the left side of the chimney, concealed by a large flat stone, is a hole a den; there much of the property taken from Sir Thomas Purcel's last night is concealed." "I have long suspected these men Smith, I think, they call themselves. Yet they are but two. Now, we have abundant proof, that three men absolutely entered the house."

M'Carthy; up wid you, sir, the car will be waitin' for you;" and he gave him a slap on the shoulder as he spoke. "Hallo!" exclaimed the pretended sleeper, "have a care easy, easy what's that? who are you? eh aw oh, dear me, where am I?" "In a friend's house, sir; get up, you know Mr. Purcel's car is waitin' for you at the mountain road below."

They then shook hands, cordially, and Hourigan bent his steps towards the town of Lisnagola. Fergus, who had seen all their motions most distinctly, took occasion to pass up the avenue a few minutes afterwards, where he met the stranger still leading Purcel's horse. "What's your name, my good fellow?" he asked. "Phil Hart, sir." "Do you know if the man who summoned Mr.

Hourigan soon made his appearance, and, on approaching the stringer, looked cautiously about him in every direction, whilst the latter, who had been walking Purcel's horse towards the house, suddenly turned back, and kept conversing with Hourigan until they reached the entrance gate, where they stood for about ten minutes in close and evidently confidential dialogue, as was clear from their watching in all directions, to make certain that they were not observed.

"Now, Mr. Frank," said the, pedlar, "as you know the danger that's about you, I say that unless you get out o' the counthry at wanst, you'll only have a hand in your own death if anything happens. You're, goin' now, I suppose, to Mr. Purcel's; if you are if it wouldn't be troublesome jist say that the Cannie Soogah will call there in the coorse o' the mornin' for breakfast."

M'Carthy, the letter to Dublin, and it was I that sent the messenger for you this evenin'; I took it for granted that if you had remained in Mr. Purcel's you'd been shot, and, besides, I wanted you to watch Mogue Moylan, for I had raison to know that he intended to play a trick on me to night in regard to Miss Julia.

Purcel's great object in life was more to establish a family than to secure the individual happiness of his children. This was his ambition the spirit which prompted him, in his dealings with the people, to forget too frequently that the garb of justice may be often thrown over the form of rapacity, and that the authority of law is also, in too many instances, only another name for oppression.

Can you deny that, Mr. John?" Purcel's limbs began to move, and his very flesh to creep with indignation at the impudent but artful falsehoods of Hourigan, who was likely to succeed in touching the magistrate's weak points with such effect as to gain him over to his side.

"I do, sir," replied the other, bolting out "oh, God knows I do you have marked me, Misther Purcel, and I will mark you, sir for " he added muttering in a low voice to those who stood about him "one good turn desarves another, anyhow." We shall not now dwell upon the comments which young Purcel's violence drew from the defaulters on their way home.

Purcel's informations, you would have certainly been transported; but the truth is, and I trust you have seen it this day, and will allow it, that in my magisterial capacity, although just and impartial I hope, yet, still, whenever I can with raison, I am always disposed to lane towards the poor man, and be the poor man's magistrate hem ahem!"