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M'Carthy, I wish you to understand that you are wid a friend mark my words avoid the man they call Buck English, for of all men livin' he hates you the most; and listen, whenever you come to this country don't stop in procthor Purcel's, otherwise you may draw down ruin and destruction upon him and his; and, if I'm not mistaken, you're the last man livin' who would wish to do that."

He accordingly armed himself with a ease of pistols, which he had been allowed to keep for the preservation of his master's family and premises, in case they should be attacked. He had not gone, however, within two miles of the mountains, when he met Mogue on His way home, carrying M'Carthy's, or rather John Purcel's double gun, and other shooting gear. "Why, Mogue," said he, "how does this come?

Purcel's family save them all you cannot and if you have courage, and isn't afraid to risk your life, you will come down to Longshot Lodge and wait there till you here more from 'One that has proved himself your Friend'." This determined M'Carthy; and when John Purcel asked him to spend the Christmas with them, he felt gratified at the alacrity with which the other embraced his offer.

"'Ay, said another voice, that several of us knew to be Mr. Alick Purcel's; 'here I am you scoundrels, but that's your share of me. If you don't begone instantly, says he, swearin' an oath, 'we'll shoot you like dogs where you stand. "'We know you, Mr. Purcel, says we, 'but it isn't you we want to-night your turn's to come yet; time about is fair play. It's M'Carthy we want.

On the other hand, it was obvious that he had done so, and that from whatever motive his conduct proceeded, he distinctly separated himself from them, at the very crisis when his presence and assistance might have been of service. In the meantime they began to make preparations for their defence. Purcel's dwelling-house was a long, two-storied building, deeply thatched.

Before this weighty matter was determined, Fergus O'Driscol, although satisfied that Hourigan and their new laborer were acquainted, resolved to corroborate his evidence of the fact, if possible, and for this purpose he sent the fellow, as had been agreed on, to walk Purcel's horse up and down the lower part of the avenue, near the entrance gate, which was somewhat secluded and not within view of the house, for the avenue was a winding one.

Purcel's car to meet our friend M'Carthy, inasmuch as he never for a moment supposed that this devoted youth was likely to leave the mountains alive.

He frequently paused for instance, placed his chin in the end of his half-closed hand, somewhat like an egg in an egg-cup, looked in a meditative mood into Purcel's face, without appearing to see him at all; then went over to the library, which ought rather to have been pronounced his son's than his; and after having consulted a book a Latin Horace, which by the way he opened at the art of poetry, of which volume it is, we presume, unnecessary to say, he did not understand a syllable, he returned to his desk seemingly satisfied, and wrote on until he had concluded the passage he was composing.

This, however, was a determination to which they had come recently themselves, and one portion of John's business to the metropolis was connected with it. On the day previous to Purcel's visit to M'Carthy, that young man had received the following short and somewhat mysterious communication from the country: "Mr. M'Carthy. Sir If you wish to save some of Mr.