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Updated: August 7, 2024

In Feb., 1891, Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca was confirmed as President, resigned in November, and was succeeded by Vice-President Floriano Peixoto, who held office until Nov. 15, 1894, when Prudente de Moraes, the first Brazilian President elected by a popular vote, was inaugurated. OHILI, PERU, BOLIVIA. The contest of Chili with Peru and Bolivia has attracted special notice.

DOÑA MATILDE. Quizá hubiera sido más prudente; porque ... ya ve usted, antes de tomar un partido irrevocable he debido pesar todas las circunstancias, y ... no soy ninguna niña de quince años. BRUNO. Como que tiene usted ya sus diez y siete. DOÑA MATILDE. Diez y ocho son los que tengo, si vamos a eso. BRUNO. Diez y siete. DOÑA MATILDE. Diez y ocho. ¡Habrá pesado igual!

If in the faight there happen thee, any accident that maie feare thy souldiours, it is a moste prudente thyng, to knowe how to desemble it, and to pervert it to good, as Tullo Hostilio did, and Lucius Silla: whom seyng while thei fought, how a parte of his men wer gone to the enemies side, and how thesame thing had verie moche made afraied his men, he made straighte waie throughout all the armie to be understoode, how all thing proceded, accordyng to his order: the whiche not onely did not trouble the armie, but it increased in them so moche stomack, that he remained victorious.

And in 1609 they moved to Leyden, "a fair and bewtifull citie," where for eleven years they remained, pursuing such trades as they could, chiefly weaving and the manufacture of cloth, "injoying much sweete and delightful societie and spiritual comfort togeather in the ways of God, under the able ministrie and prudente governmente of Mr. John Robinson and Mr. William Brewster."

He with sixe thousande horse, and a fewe footemen, went to mete with them, and incounteryng theim, he was repulsed with his moste greate losse: wherby Carminvola as a prudente man, knewe straight waie the puisaunce of the enemies weapons, and how moche against the horses thei prevailed, and the debilitie of the horses, againste those on foote so appoincted: and gatheryng his men together again, he went to finde the Suizzers, and so sone as he was nere them, he made his men of armes, to a light from their horse, and in thesame mane, faightyng with them he slue theim all, excepte three thousande: the whiche seyng them selves to consume, without havyng reamedy, castyng their weapons to the grounde, yelded.

This is probably the passage which Messingham and Montalvan quote, though a different reference is given. 'Maurolicus Siculus', who follows next in Messingham and Montalvan, is omitted by Calderon. "David Roto, y el prudente Primado de toda Hibernia," are one and the same person.

It was now supposed that General Peixoto would reign unhampered as dictator, and in peaceful circles no small alarm was felt. In 1894, however, the President resigned, and was succeeded by Dr. Prudente de Moraes Barros.

Therfore, beyng necessarie first to finde the menne, it is requiset to come to the choise of them. They whiche unto the warre have given rule, will that the menne be chosen out of temperate countries, to the intente they may have hardines, and prudence, for as muche as the hote countrey, bredes prudente men and not hardy, the colde, hardy, and not prudente.

Wherby it grewe, that being on foote, minding to defende them selves from the enemies, that were on horsebacke, it behooveth them to seeke of the aunciente orders, and to finde weapons, whiche from the furie of horses, should defende them: This necessitie hath made either to be maintayned, or to bee founde of them the aunciente orders, without whiche, as everye prudente man affirmeth, the footemen is altogether unprofitable.

DOÑA MATILDE. Me parece mejor que intercale usted entre la segunda y la tercera un gran suspiro para que no sea tan fácil el que yo pueda equivocarme, si acaso hubiera otra intriga amorosa en la calle. DON EDUARDO. Observación muy prudente ... suspiraré entre la segunda y la tercera.

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