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And I think he's handsome." She shoved the probationer out into the hall and locked the door behind her. That message in its entirety reached Carlotta Harrison. Her smouldering eyes flamed. The audacity of it startled her. Sidney must be very sure of herself. She, too, had not slept during the day.

Your final acceptance as a Star Surgeon will depend entirely upon your conduct as a member of the patrol ship's crew." He smiled at Dal, and set the paper down. "The council wishes you well. Do you have any questions?" "Just one," Dal managed to say. "Who will my crewmates be?" "As is customary, a probationer from the Green Service of Medicine and one from the Blue Service of Diagnosis.

And so the Dummy's Avenue Girl met her turn and rode down the street in a clanging ambulance, and was taken up in the elevator and along a grey hall to where the emergency bed was waiting; and the Probationer, very cold as to hands and feet, was sending mental appeals to the Senior to come and come quickly. The ward got up on elbows and watched. Also it told the Probationer what to do.

If then the probationer for the clerical profession was under some bias in his first investigation, how must it be expected to be with him, when he has already taken the vow, and received ordination?

In the chapel at prayers that evening all around her the nurses sat and rested, their tired hands folded in their laps. They talked a little among themselves, but it was only a buzzing that reached the Probationer faintly. Some one near was talking about something that was missing. "Gone?" she said. "Of course it is gone. The bath-room man reported it to me and I went and looked."

The First Assistant sat back and felt of her cap, which was of starched tulle and was softening a bit from the steam. She felt a thrill of pity for the Probationer. She, too, had once felt fluttery when the Head came in. "She is very anxious to stay," she observed. "She works hard, too. "She has no personality, no decision," said the Head, and sneezed twice.

And at last she said: "How is that Probationer with the ridiculous name getting along?" The First Assistant poured in more hot water. "N. Jane?" she asked. "Well, she's a nice little thing, and she seems willing. But, of course " The Head groaned. "Nineteen!" she said. "And no character at all. I detest fluttery people. She flutters the moment I go into the ward."

The Probationer was in despair. "She could get better if she would," she said to the interne one day. The Senior was off duty and they had done the dressing together. "She just won't try." "Perhaps she thinks it isn't worth while," replied the interne, who was drying his hands carefully while the Probationer waited for the towel. She was a very pretty Probationer.

"Let me be the first to congratulate you," he said; "you are admitted." Andrew took a long breath, and the president considerately turned away his head until the young probationer had regained his composure. Then he proceeded: "The society only asks from its probationers the faith which it has in them. They take no oath. We speak in deeds.

She went down into her silver bag and pulled out a roll of bills. "I've felt meaner'n a dog every time I've thought of you buying that parrot. I've got a different view of life maybe from yours; but I'm not taking candy from a baby." When the Probationer could speak Rose was taking herself and the purple into the elevator and waving her a farewell. "Good-bye!" she said.