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"Pote Tate," he remarked, solemnly, "seein' that you haven't ever been brought in very close touch with deep-water sailors, and don't know what they've had to contend with, and how their dispositions get warped, and not knowin' my private opinion of men-grown potes, you've set here day by day and haven't realized the chances you've been takin'. Just one ordinary back-handed wallop, such as would only tickle a Portygee sailor, would mean wreaths and a harp for you!

Eunez smiled in a way which might have puzzled Tunis Latham had he stopped to consider it. But he joined the girl who was waiting for him, and they went on up the road and out of the town without his giving a backward glance or thought to the fiery Portygee girl. When they mounted to the windswept headland the visitor looked about with glowing eyes, breathing deeply.

And now his daughter, his own Janie, was receiving ardent love letters from a play-acting foreigner, a Spaniard, a "Portygee," a "macaroni-eater"! When finally convinced that it was true, that the letters had really been written to Jane, which took some time, he demanded first of all to be shown the "Portygee."

"He and I have been getting on much better than we used to and we have come to understand each other better, but he is still disappointed in me. I'm afraid I don't count for much as a business man, you see; and, besides, Grandfather can never quite forget that I am the son of what he calls a Portygee play actor." Mrs. Ellis looked at him earnestly.

"His father was a Portygee or Spaniard, I believe is right and he was a play-actor, one of those what do you call 'em? opera singers." Fosdick seemed surprised and interested. "Oh, indeed," he exclaimed, "an opera singer? . . . Why, he wasn't Speranza, the baritone, was he?" "Maybe; I believe he was. He married my daughter and well, we won't talk about him, if you don't mind."

Though he had not scrupled to plot the destruction of the ship, and thus rob a marine insurance company of a considerable sum of money though at that very instant there was actual proof of his scheme in the preparations he had made to jam the steering-gear when the anchor was raised after the tanks were replenished it was not in the man's nature to skulk into comparative safety because a foreigner, a pirate, a not-to-be-mentioned-in-polite-society Portygee, opened fire on him in this murderous fashion.

She saw the schooner drop anchor off Portygee Town, with all its canvas rattling down in windrows of white. She even saw the little gig launched. Tunis was coming ashore. He would soon be up the hill. His long strides would soon bring him to her side again open-eyed, ruddy-faced, a veritable sea god among men! She ran out a dozen times to gaze down the road and wonder what kept him.

I burned those letters into that wood with my curling irons. Fooled by a girl, eh, Tunis Latham? Ah! Learn your lesson, Captain Latham! We Portygee women are not to be scorned by any schooner captain. No!" She snapped her fingers again in his face and turned away, swaying her hips and tossing her head as she disappeared into her father's cottage.

Not all Indian, but some, you know; the rest was white, though Pa he used to cal'late there might be a little Portygee strung along in somewhere. It's kind of funny to be all mixed up that way, ain't it? Hello, there's Cap'n Jethro! See him? See him?" Bangs saw the figure of a man emerge from the door of the white house by the light and stand upon the platform.

We may get that Portygee streak out of him, poetry and all, give us time; eh, Rachael?" It was the first time in months that he had used the word "Portygee" in connection with his grandson. Mrs. Ellis smiled to herself.