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And he sprang out after the men. A double door thrown wide; a tangle of wild cats springing straight at a broad-tired cart; a grappling of track-lines and handle-bars; a whirl down the wooden incline, Tod following with the quickly lighted lanterns; a dash along the runway, the sand cutting their cheeks like grit from a whirling stone; over the dune, the men bracing the cart on either side, and down the beach the crew swept in a rush to where Polhemus stood waving his last Coston.

As he spoke the windows on the sea side of the house rattled as if shaken by the hand of a man and as quickly stopped. "Them puffs are jest the tootin' of her horn " this with a jerk of his head toward the windows. "I tell ye, it looks ugly!" Polhemus gained his feet and the two men stepped to the sash and peered out.

With the changing of the patrol, Tod and Polhemus taking the places of Archie and Parks, he fell into a doze, waking with a sudden start some hours later, springing from his bed, and as quickly turning up the lamp. Still in his stocking feet and trousers on nights like this the men lie down in half their clothes he walked to the window and peered out. It was nearing daylight; the sky still black.

"I loved ye! You knowed it, boy. I hoped to tell ye so out loud so everybody could hear. Now they'll never know." Straightening himself up, he walked firmly to the open door about which the people pressed, held back by the line of surfmen headed by Polhemus, and calmly surveyed the crowd. Close to the opening, trying to press her way in to Jane, his eyes fell on Lucy.

Polhemus, at the mention of his name, had dropped his chair legs to the floor; he had finished his game of dominoes and had been tilted back against the wall, awaiting the dinner-hour. "It's goin' to blow a livin' gale o' wind, Polhemus," the captain continued; "that's what it's goin' to do. Ye kin see it yerself. There she comes now!"

The cart was forced up the slope two men at the wheels, the others straining ahead the gun lifted out and set, Polhemus ramming the charge home, Captain Holt sighting the piece; there came a belching sound, a flash of dull light, and a solid shot carrying a line rose in the air, made a curve like a flying rocket, and fell athwart the wreck between her forestay and jib.

The look on his face attracted every eye. Pausing for a moment, he turned to Polhemus and spoke to him for the others: "Isaac, I got a letter just now. Fogarty brought it over. You knew my boy Bart, didn't ye, the one that's been dead nigh on to twenty years?" The old surfman nodded, his eyes still fastened on the captain.

At the same time, to prevent any misunderstanding, messengers were sent to Connecticut to inform the colonial authorities there, that these measures were adopted solely for the protection of their commerce and the punishment of robbery. In February of this year, a church was organized at Flatbush. Domine Polhemus was chosen pastor, with a salary of six hundred guilders.

Isn't the trip with Mr. Cross to your liking?" "Oh, ay! I shall be glad to go." It was on my perverse tongue's end to add the peevish thought that nobody would specially miss me, but I held it back. "He has had a perfect Dutch fit on to-day," said Daisy, with good-natured sisterly frankness; "for all the world such as old Hon Yost Polhemus has when his yeast goes bitter.

Another ringing order now rose above the roar of the waters, and a chain of rescuing surfmen the last resort with Captain Nat at the head dashed into the turmoil. It was a hand-to-hand fight now with death. At the first onslaught of the battery of wreckage Polhemus was knocked breathless by a blow in the stomach and rescued by the bystanders just as a log was curling over him.