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Criticising a portrait of herself in that scene, she said to the painter, "Ma robe ne fait pas ce pli la; elle fait, au contraire, celui-ci." The artist, inclined to defend his picture, asked her how, while she was lying with her eyes shut and feigning utter insensibility, she could possibly tell anything about the plaits of her dress.

OBST. What are the things you seek, since you leave all the world to find them? Read it so, if you will, in my book. OBST. Tush, said Obstinate, away with your book; will you go back with us, or no? PLI. Then said Pliable, Do not revile; if what the good Christian says is true, the things he looks after are better than ours; my heart inclines to go with my neighbour. OBST. What! more fools still?

The most striking thing about this valley was its dense gloom, the huge forest-trees of Tapang, Pli, and other kinds, excluding every ray of light, excepting where here and there a bright patch of blue sky peeped in through the thick trellis-work of branches overhead. Beautiful palms, kladiums, and tree ferns, grew in profusion around us, and rare orchids filled the air with their sweet perfumes.

There are, indeed, hours when I feel embittered at the thought that for one innocent defect a whole life should be amerced of joy; the finality of loss appals: all is so irrevocable; le vase est imbibé, l'étoffe a pris son pli. Avoided not without cause by those who were my natural associates, I grow impenetrable of access, and even in my own family unfamiliar.

The marchande des calas was out. She came toward Joseph's shop, singing in a high-pitched nasal tone this new song: "Dé'tit zozos assis Dé'tit zozos si la barrier. Dé'tit zozos, qui zabotté; Qui ça di' mo pas conné. "Manzeur-poulet vini simin, Croupé si et croqué ; Personn' pli' 'tend' zabotté Dé'tit zozos si la barrier."

I hope that Caroline has somebody to read French with her who has a real good pronunciation, otherwise it will take un mauvais pli, which will not be so easy to recover, and it is better not to speak a language at all than without some sort of grace. Greenville, and to two chance comers; it may be Boothby and Storer, or Sir C. Bunbury. It is too hot to go out to-day.

"MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE: J'ai l'honneur de remettre sous ce pli

There is an endless kingdom to be inhabited, and everlasting life to be given us, that we may inhabit that kingdom forever. Pli. Well said; and what else? Chr. There are crowns of glory to be given us; and garments that will make us shine like the sun in the firmament of heaven. Pli. This is excellent: and what else? Chr.

It was because he loved me, I argued, that he had never spoken; because he had always hoped some day to make me his wife; because he wanted to spare me the "reproach." Rubbish! I knew well enough, in my heart of hearts, that my one chance lay in the force of habit. He had grown used to me; he was no longer young; he dreaded new people and new ways; il avait pris son pli.

I can better conceive of them with my mind, than speak of them with my tongue: but yet since you are desirous to know, I will read them in my book. Pli. And do you think that the words of your book are certainly true? Chr. Yes, verily; for it was made by him that cannot lie. Pit. Well said; what things are they? Chr.