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There's so much against it, I think we had betther be of one mind, and give it over at once." "And what's to hinder us marrying, Anty, av' yourself is plazed? Av' you and I, and mother are plazed, sorrow a one that I know of has a word to say in the matther." "But Barry don't like it!" "And, afther all, are you going to wait for what Barry likes?

"Wull, thin, an' I'm thinkin' yer wouldn't have grudged Miss Hetty her own apples, if it was in barrls ye had 'em," replied the practical Norah, "an' I don't see where's the differ." "Yer don't!" said Mike, angrily. "If it had ha plazed God to make a man o' yer, ye'd ha known more 'n yer do;" and with this characteristically masculine shifting of his premises, Mike turned his back on Norah.

"That's thrue," observed Barney, with his head a little on one side, and his eyes cast up in a sort of meditative frown, as if he were engaged in subjecting the hermit's remarks to a process of severe philosophical contemplation; "but I would be very well plazed av' the wild bastes would show themselves now and then, for "

Patrick was with him, and the table and the whole floor were covered with queer, long, jointed paste-board sheets, with pieces of gay-colored calicoes, pasted on them. Patrick looked as excited as Nat, and as soon as I opened the door he exclaimed, 'Och, Miss Dora, see how he's plazed with um. I was almost frightened at Nat's face. 'Why Nat, dear, said I, 'what are they?

"That's thrue," observed Barney, with his head a little on one side, and his eyes cast up in a sort of meditative frown, as if he were engaged in subjecting the hermit's remarks to a process of severe philosophical contemplation; "but I would be very well plazed av the wild bastes would show themselves now and then, for "

The big house that had been so quiet for four weeks was suddenly wakened as from a sleep. His noisy, joyous voice rang through the halls, and from cellar to garret. "'Bless the b'y! he's that plazed to git back, it does one's sowl good to hear him, said the housemaid. "Mrs. Morris was so busy for the first day or two that she saw little of Johnny.

"Howly Moses!" a voice in shrill agitation broke in upon her preoccupation. "An' is it sheddin' tears ye are upon the blessed gunpowther? Sure the colleen's crazed! Millia Murther! the beautiful ca'tridges is ruint intoirely! Any man moight be proud an' plazed to be kilt by the loikes o' them! How many o' them big wathery tears have yez been after sheddin' into aich o' them lovely ca'tridges?"

O'Callaghan smiled. "Are you sure of it?" she asked. "I am," was the determined answer. "Have it your own way. You and Moike are headstrong b'ys, so you are. If you kape on I'll have nothin' to do but to sit with my hands folded. And that's what your father was always plazed to see me do."

"I remember," said Kavanagh. "And how is your prisoner getting on? He has not slipped away yet, has he?" "Sorra a bit of it, he seems quite plazed to be living with dacent people for a change. He tould the interpreter that it was a mighty great friend of the Mahdi's ye killed; a man some people reckoned very holy a faker he called him.

"Don't you be deceived, John; I say he's innocent as I hope for heaven he's innocent; and, father, I'm not a bit cast down or disheartened by anything I have yet heard against him." "You're a very extraordinary girl, Una; but for my part I'm glad you look upon it as you do. If his innocence appears, no man alive will be better plazed at it than myself."