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The angel fish, so called for their uncommon splendour; the sheephead, so named from its having teeth like those of sheep; the cavalli, the mullet, the whiting, the plaice, and young bass, are all esteemed delicate food. Besides these, porgy, shads, trout, stingre, drum, cat, and black fish, are all used, and taken in great abundance.

How the long breakfast bill at an up-to-date Belfast hostelry awed us, after weeks of bacon and eggs! The viands on the menu swam together before our dazed eyes. Porridge Fillets of Plaice Whiting Fried Sole Savoury Omelet Kidneys and Bacon Cold Meats.

Her fish would have to be degraded into kedgeree, though plaice would have done just as well as sole for that; the cutlets could be heated up again, and perhaps the whisking for the apple-meringue had not begun yet, and could still be stopped. "Janet!" she shouted. "Going out to dinner! Stop the meringue."

The Plaice and other flat-fish, as we noticed in Lesson 2, are coloured and marked like the sand and pebbles of their home; and they can even change colour to suit their background. They are wonderfully hidden, owing to this useful dodge. It is as if Mother Nature had given them the marvellous "cloak of invisibility," of which we read in fairy-tales.

That was the least that Withers could do for her, to insist that Mr. Hopkins should let her have dabs and plaice exceptionally cheap. And ought she to tell Withers that she had seen Mr. Miss Mapp turned and tossed on her uneasy bed, and her mind went back to the Major and the Captain and that fiasco in the fog.

Billy whose duties as butler were what he called a sine qua non, pronounced as "shiny Canaan" and meaning a sinecure had spent some part of term time in netting me a trammel, of which he was inordinately proud, and with this we amused ourselves, sailing or rowing down to the river's mouth every evening at nightfall to set it, and, again, soon after daybreak, to haul it, and usually returning with good store of fish for breakfast soles, dories, plaice, and the red mullet for which Helford is famous above all streams.

I was in good time at my tryst, despite the hindrances of fried plaice and invalid guillotinists; but, early as I was, Miss Bellingham was already waiting in the garden she had been filling a bowl with flowers ready to sally forth. "It is quite like old times," she said, as we turned into Fetter Lane, "to be going to the Museum together.

Have you any red mullets? And the angel will say, 'Why no, sir, the gulf has been so rough that there has hardly any fish come in this three days, and there has been such a run on it that we have nothing left but plaice. "'Well, well, I shall say, 'have you any kidneys? "'You can have one kidney, sir', will be the answer. "'One kidney, indeed, and you call this heaven!

What would have become of the lazy beggars if he, Papa Malgras, hadn't brought a leg of mutton now and then, or a nice fresh plaice, or a lobster, with its garnish of parsley? 'You'll paint me my lobster, eh, Lantier? Much obliged. And he stationed himself anew before the large canvas, with his wonted smile of mingled derision and admiration.

Yet it is only a Shark with flattened body, and whose side fins are so large that they spread out like fleshy wings. The mouth is on the under part, as it is in all Sharks. Blue Shark. 2. Saw Fish. 3. Starry Ray. 4. Ox Ray. 5. Plaice. 6. Trunk Fish. 7. Blue Striped Wrasse. 8. Malted Gurnard. 9. These flattened Sharks must be a terror to their neighbours.