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Says he, "It's 'changed PLAICE, that's all," and "PLAICE" ain't a bad fish. The Catholics fast enough, gracious knows, but then they fast on a great rousin' big splendid salmon at two dollars and forty cents a pound, and lots of old Madeira to make it float light on the stomach; there's some sense in mortifying the appetite arter that fashion, but plagy little in your way.

At the same moment "Shames" himself gave a jerk, as if he had received an electric shock, and in a few seconds a large plaice and a small crab were added to the "pile!" "I've got something at last," said Mabberly, doing his best to repress excitement as he hauled in his line deliberately.

By this time the heavy beam had been secured to the side of the vessel, most of the net hauled in, and the bag, or cod-end, was above the surface filled almost to bursting with upwards of a ton of turbots, soles, haddocks, plaice, dabs, whitings, etcetera, besides several hundredweight of mud, weeds, stones, and oysters.

Thrice I have been Mayor of the town, and fifteen years burgess and jurat, but never once has any public matter gone awry through me. Only last month there came an order from Windsor on a Tuesday for a Friday banquet, a thousand soles, four thousand plaice, two thousand mackerel, five hundred crabs, a thousand lobsters, five thousand whiting "

You see fish of many shapes and sizes in the fishmonger's shop; they can be divided into two kinds round fish and flat fish. Cod, Herring, Mackerel and Salmon are round fish. The flat fish are Plaice, Turbot, Brill, Halibut, Sole, Dab and Flounder. Most people know the taste, as well as the look, of a Plaice; but few know much about its life in the ocean.

"Get out of the way, can't you " "By your life and mine, Betsy " "Gord blesh you, mishter, a toisand year shall ye live." "Eat the best Motsos. Only fourpence " "The bones must go with, marm. I've cut it as lean as possible." Charoises! "Come and have a glass of Old Tom, along o' me, sonny." "Fine plaice! Here y'are! Hi! where's yer pluck! S'elp me " "Bob! Yontovdik! Yontovdik! Only a bob!"

Of fish we were best acquainted with sturgeon, grampus, porpoise, seals, stingrays whose tails are very dangerous, brits, mullets, white salmon, trouts, soles, plaice, herring, conyfish, rockfish, eels, lampreys, catfish, shad, perch of three sorts, crabs, shrimps, crevises, oysters, cockles, and mussels. But the most strange fish is a small one so like the picture of St.

There are also Trouts, Porpoises, Rayes, Oldwiues, Mullets, Plaice, and very many other sorts of excellent good fish, which we haue taken and eaten, whose names I know not but in the countrey language: we haue the pictures of twelue sorts more, as they were drawen in the countrey, with their names.

But Rip were a bit on a rover, an' hed a habit o' breakin' out o' barricks like, and trottin' round t' plaice as if he were t' Cantonment Magistrate coom round inspectin'. The Colonel leathers him once or twice, but Rip didn't care an' kept on gooin' his rounds, wi' his taail a-waggin' as if he were flag-signallin' to t' world at large 'at he was 'gettin' on nicely, thank yo', and how's yo'sen? An' then t' Colonel, as was noa sort of a hand wi' a dog, tees him oop.

All the ducks and geese, pheasants, partridges, and all the very best parts of the very best meat all the soles and the finest plaice and salmon and trout ''Ere chuck it, cried Harlow, fiercely. 'We don't want to 'ear no more of it, and several others protested against the lecturer wasting time on such mere details.