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It's a plaguey sight safer than letting her carry it in her mind, and then laying for yer some day when ye heven't nary thought of Injuns in your head. That's the very time a woman like her's bound to close on yer and lift yer ha'r if she can. 'Why, how do you know what she's likely to do? 'I've been smokin', pard, while you hev bin talkin', sorter careless like.

Daisy was already weeping, Bess like a devoted servant mingled her tears with those of her mistress, and Nan denounced the entire race of boys as "plaguey things."

But your Christian psychopathists bring a lot of talk about a science, and they don't seem to know just whether God is working the miracle or they are doing it by magnetism, or mind-cure, or psychopathy, or whether the disease isn't a sort of plaguey humbug anyhow, and the patient a fool who has to be undeceived."

Besides, that's a patent safe, an' if it is opened without a knowledge of the combination, it would take a plaguey long time to do." Just then the farmer came back, and after some more general conversation the whir of an approaching automobile announced the arrival of Roy.

"Well, sir, what's done can't be undone, and I'm sure we'd any of us bring him back to life if we could, even by cutting off our hands, though he was a mighty plaguey chap while he'd breath in him. But what I'm thinking is this: it'll maybe go awkward with you, sir, if he's found here. One can't say.

Say, Mary-'Gusta, don't you say nothin' to either him or Zoeth, will you? You see it's it's a kind of little secret we have amongst us and and nobody else is in on it. 'Twas this plaguey tintype got me to talkin'. No wonder neither! I never see such a look on two folks. I there, there! Good night, Mary-'Gusta, good night." He tossed the photograph on the bureau and hurried out of the room.

And now they check for a moment, puzzling about on the dry sandy turnpike. "Dangerous feathers on it now! Speak to it! speak to it, good hound!" How beautiful that flourish of the stern with which he darts away on the recovered scent; with what a yell they open it once again! Harry was right, he makes for Rocky Hill, but up this plaguey lane, where the scent lies but faintly.

And I presume we may say the same of that streaked squaller of yours, which I see is an uncommonly large, plump fellow. Well," continued the speaker, shouldering the cub, "we may now as well call our hunt over, for to-day, out of this plaguey hole as soon as we can, and over the lakes to camp, as fast as strong arms and good oars can send us."

Mace Day shot Daws Dillon's brother, as I rickollect somep'n's al'ays a-startin' up that plaguey war an' a-makin' things frolicsome over thar an' ef it hadn't a-been fer a tall young feller with black hair an' a scar across his forehead, who was a-goin' through the mountains a-settlin' these wars, blame me ef I believe thar ever would 'a' been any mo' preachin' on Kingdom-Come.

O chider, chide me not in caution, for I doubt * That plaguey Love to thee shall also deal a bout."