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Suppose General Joffre said that when the Huns werre hitting it forr Paris! S'pose I said that when my foot stuck in the mud on the bottom of this plaguey riverr!" "I didn't know that," said Tom. "Well, you know it now," retorted Archer, "and I don't give up till they land me back in prison, and I don't give up then, eitherr.

I cal'late 'twill come more handy to us Cape folks. We're kind of plain and everyday 'round here. Sapper's ready, ain't it, Mother? Al must be hungry. I'm plaguey sure I am." "But, Zelotes, maybe he'd like to go up to his bedroom first. He's been ridin' a long ways in the cars and maybe he'd like to wash up or change his clothes?" "Change his clothes!

I just commenced to tell about Angie Phinney, about how fast she could talk, and that reminded me of a parrot that belonged to Sylvanus Cahoon's sister Violet, the sister's name was loony name, too, if you ask ME, 'cause she was a plaguey sight nigher bein' a sunflower than she was a violet weighed two hundred and ten and had a face on her as red as " "Just a minute, Ase. About that pig?"

There was a murmur of assent from the company, and Defoe remarked, "Truly, Master Lytton, there is a plaguey resemblance in the style, which may indeed be but a chance, and yet methinks it is sufficiently marked to warrant such words as our friend hath used."

She had no name to give it, no reason, no excuse; it was too shadowy to bear analysis, too impalpable to be defined, yet it remained there; she was perfectly conscious of it, as she held her husband's sleeve the tighter. "Curt, is business so plaguey poor because of all these politics?" "My business is not very flourishing. Many men feel the uncertainty; not everybody, dear."

"Truly," said Matta, "the song may say what it pleases, but I cannot put it in practice: your husband is far too exquisite a monster for me. Why, what a plaguey odd ceremony do you require of us in this country, if we cannot pay our compliments to the wife without being in love with the husband!"

"It's a nuisance, all the same," he muttered, "that plaguey sun that stays up there and won't go to roost!" Suddenly Maurice became aware of the presence of a young woman whom the movement of the resistless throng had jammed against a wall and who was in danger of being injured, and on looking more attentively was astounded to recognize in her his sister Henriette.

Seymour started at the sound of the voice, opened his eyes, and in the beauteous form which was reclining over him, beheld his dear, dear Emily. Ah me! what perils do environ The man that meddles with cold iron; What plaguey mischiefs and mishaps To dog him still with after-claps.

Yes, and if but I lacked that plaguey virtue I would advise you to go a-gypsying with that nameless somebody, so that two manikins might snatch their little share of the big things that are eternal, just as the butterfly fares intrepidly and joyously, with the sun for his torchboy, through a universe wherein thought cannot estimate the unimportance of a butterfly, and wherein not even the chaste moon is very important.

Unfortunately this time, through some heedlessness, the Spirit did not creep out of the frame-work with sufficient care, and some portion of her garments must have caught when she was only on her knees. I never shall forget the half-comic, half-appealing, feminine glance as her eyes looked up into mine, when she was only partially materialized and some plaguey nail had caught her angel robe.