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Personally, I am not anxious either to box or to wrestle with a kangaroo; for the beast has a plaguey unpleasant hind foot, armed with a claw like a marline-spike, and a most respectable ability to kick a hole in a stranger with it.

"Colbert adores the King, and is blind to his follies, which are no more economical than the vulgar pleasures of your jovial Rowley." "Who takes four shillings in every country gentleman's pound to spend on the pleasures of London," interjected Masaroon. "Royalty is plaguey expensive." The company sighed a melancholy assent.

"Yes, when the wind veered and stirred a surf on the shoal. She pounded over with the flood-tide and dropped into fifteen fathom." "Then we are saved, for now?" joyfully exclaimed Jack. "Unless we're unlucky enough to find some o' those plaguey pirates afloat on a raft or makin' signals from the beach."

“Certainly, sir; I had forgotten those men. There are no more, I hope“Why, there is a threaten to come forward with an assault that happened at the last independence day; but I’m not sartain that the law'll take hold on’t. There was plaguey hard words passed, but whether they struck or not I haven’t heard.

"Plaguey poor play," Max was complaining. "Rather stay by the fire any night than poke to town to bore myself like that. I don't think " He flung open the door. Behind him Alec's voice was saying: "I'm as wet as a rat. You fellows had the big umbrella. The little one isn't big enough to " "Well, I'll be " Max's exclamation cut his brother short. He stood still, staring.

That egg thing sort of whetted my appetite." "Gosh, you fellows would keep me cooking all the time," grumbled the steward. "It's only five, and we don't have supper until six. So you can plaguey well starve for an hour." "Then I shall go to sleep and um forget the pangs of hunger. Move your big feet out of the way, Phil." "I like your cheek, you duffer! Go on back to your own bunk."

And she is deucedly like Blackbeard's brig." Scampering to the deck, Joe Hawkridge mustered his gun's crew as Jack Cockrell came running up to say: "Trapped on the very islet where he cast you and the other pirates! His chickens have come home to roost." "Call me no pirate or I'll stretch ye with a handspike," grinned Joe. "'Tis a plaguey poor word in this company.

A little later, he prepared himself a good dinner and ate it in leisurely enjoyment, sharing a morsel now and then with the old dog. "You're a plaguey sight better company than she was," he mused. "That poor little stray cat of a Jane! What will become of her? Well, well! Soon as she's old enough to cut loose from her mother, I'll try to give her a chance, if it's a possible thing."

"Did I lie when I said I loved thee, then?" "The fiend knows! I know 'tis plaguey risky for thee if thou didst!" "Unbeliever!" whispered Pascherette with thrilling emphasis. "Shall I tell thee again, in language even thy stubborn soul must believe?" The girl suddenly glided inside his arms, flung up her hands, each clutching a mass of her glossy, scented hair, and enmeshed his disfigured face.

Would you mind telling me where the sky-light is, for I s'pose I had too much grog last night like a fool, and I arn't werry clear in the head." "I don't know, I can't tell, Bob. It's all a puzzle." "And it's so plaguey dark, my lad. Wait a bit and I'll feel round with my fingers, for eyes aren't no good here." "Well," I said, for there was a good deal of rustling, "what can you feel?"