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"Doctor, zur," said Matilda Jutt, when the children were put to bed, with Martha to watch by Sammy, who was still very sick, "is you really got a bottle o' Pine's Prompt?" The doctor laughed. "An empty bottle," said he. "I picked it up at Poverty Cove. Thought it might come useful. I'll put Sammy's medicine in that. They'll not know the difference.

And then as two or three decided Mrs. Belgrove amongst the number there really could be nothing in the report that he loved Lady Agnes still, else he would scarcely come and stay where she was. As for Pine's wife, she was a washed-out creature, who had never really loved her cousin as people had thought.

"Joan Moss is still alive." A strong light and a new hope came into Farwell's sad eyes. He had a hold on the future! With the possibility of supplanting Ledyard in Pine's ideas of loyalty and economics what might not happen? And so they started back. It was midnight, four days after Farwell had left home, that he entered his own door again.

"Why should that be, sister, when his name signifies that he is of the gentle breed?" asked Kara, laying down his violin. "Gentile but not gentle," said Chaldea punning, then checked herself lest she should say too much. She had sworn to keep Pine's secret, and intended to do so, until she could make capital out of it. At present she could not, so behaved honorably.

And yet " Chaldea stood up, suddenly recollecting what had been said by Pine's wife. "Why should we leave?" "The rabbit can't kick dust in the fox's face, sister," said Kara, meaning that Garvington was too strong for the gypsies. "There are rabbits and rabbits," said Chaldea sententiously. "Where is Hearne, brother?" "In Gentilla's tent with a Gorgious gentleman.

Pine's secret was not a dishonorable one, as he was such an upright man that no one could have desired to kill him." Apparently there was no solution to the mystery, as every one concluded, when the evidence was fully threshed out. An open verdict was brought in, and the proceedings ended in this unsatisfactory manner.

Having regard to Pine's romantic career, it was thought by some that the act was one of revenge by a gypsy jealous that the man should attain to such affluence, while others hinted that the motive for the crime was to be found in connection with the millionaire's career as a Gentile.

"I bequeath my claim ... south fork ... American River ... fifty feet from end of Lone Pine's shadow ... sunset ... to my pard ... Benito Wind " His voice broke, but his eyes watched Brannan's movements as the latter wrote. Dying hands grasped paper, pencil ... signed a scrawling signature, "Joe Burthen." Then the head dropped back, rolled for a moment and lay still.

Drag 'em back into the prison, grab the h'arm-rack, and it's all over." "They're very quiet about it," says the Crow suspiciously. "I hope it's all right." "Stand from the door, Miles," says Pine's voice outside, in its usual calm accents. The Crow was relieved. The tone was an ordinary one, and Miles was the soldier whom Sarah Purfoy had bribed not to fire. All had gone well.

"What city," said Mayall, "with all its towers and domes, can compare with these sylvan shades and waving arches, the music of these waterfalls, and that of the tall pine's quaking cone standing on its high and lofty throne? And what music can compare with the notes of these feathered songsters, that morning and evening hymn the praise of Nature's God, where He sits enthroned with all his glory?"