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Updated: August 4, 2024

The buzzer's insistent voice brought her to her feet, even while she frowned at the interruption. "That'll be Baumgartner 'phoning about those silk swatches. Back in a minute," said Emma McChesney and hurried across the hall just in time to break the second call. The perfunctory "Hello!

'Phone!" he screamed. "'Phone what? Who to?" asked Jud with exasperating calm. "Everything! Everybody!" was the doubly illuminating reply. "She'll be killed! Do you hear me?" "We'd have to be deaf as nails not to hear you," said Jud as he spat a mouthful of tobacco juice against the front wheel of the wagon. "All the 'phoning in creation won't stop her.

Skeet came to me about it while Ina was phoning home from the country club." "Well she should worry! I've just finished with her list. Got an unbreakable alibi." "She would have," Barbara said listlessly. "She wasn't at the study that evening." "Huh! I worked on your tip that she was."

"Ah, Brisley!" he said, "I was looking for you. Are they still there?" "Probably, sir." Brisley licked his lips. "My colleague, Gunn, reports no one came out whilst I was away 'phoning." "But the whole thing seems preposterous. Are there no other offices in the block where they might be?" "I personally saw Mr. Gray, Sir Lucien Pyne and the lady go into Kazmah's.

Officer Dean, Johnson's companion, met him at the door of the shop. "He made his break while I was 'phoning you," he answered. "Hell! Didn't you frisk him?" roared the Chief. "Sure! But we missed his gun." "Caesar carries it on a cord around his neck nigger-fashion," briefly explained O'Connell.

"I wonder how the crowd got wind of the thing in such short time?" "You forget," nudged Darrin, "that there's a telephone in the clubhouse. Laura and Belle are not given to losing their heads. Undoubtedly they've been 'phoning to Gridley." "Then they can't have overlooked the need of physicians," ventured Dan, "especially as Laura is the daughter of one."

JEEVES: Precisely, sir. SELF: Seems ages since I went away. JEEVES: Yes, sir. SELF: Have a good time at Ascot? JEEVES: Most agreeable, sir. SELF: Win anything? JEEVES: Quite a satisfactory sum, thank you, sir. SELF: Good. Well, Jeeves, what news on the Rialto? Anybody been phoning or calling or anything during my abs.? JEEVES: Mr. Fink-Nottle, sir, has been a frequent caller. I stared.

Yes, he, Nicol Brinn, was bound and manacled to a gang of assassins; and because his tongue was tied, because the woman he loved better than anything in the world was actually a member of the murderous group, he must pace the deserted country lanes inactive; he must hold his hand, although he might summon the resources of New Scotland Yard by phoning from Lower Claybury station!

MS: "Professionally, the Internet has become my major research tool, largely but not entirely replacing the traditional library and even replacing person-to-person research. Now, instead of phoning people or interviewing them face to face, I do it via e-mail. Because of speed, it has also enabled me to collaborate with people at a distance, particularly on screenplays.

Billie Dore resumed her conversation in a whisper. "Yes, there was an awful lot of excitement when they found that you had disappeared. They were phoning the Carlton every ten minutes trying to get you. You see, the summertime number flopped on the second night, and they hadn't anything to put in its place. But it's all right.

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