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I had just got back to the table from my phoning when the doorbell rang; we saw the big Chinese slip noiselessly through the rear into the hall to answer it, coming back a moment later, announcing in his weighty, correct English, "Two gentlemen calling to see Captain Gilbert." "Ask for me?" Worth came to his feet in surprise. "Who told them I was here?"

"If that wire were to go wrong we should have no means of getting on to the battery, for the infantry can only get on by 'phoning to Brigade Headquarters first, and you know what that means." The telephone orderly, situated in a trench almost underneath the observer's tree, smiled consolingly, "That's all right, sir," he said.

But closer thought made it clear that a hasty ceremony would only be considered a cloak to cover something illicit. "I'll leave it to the future," he decided. McFarlane was again called to the telephone. Landon, with characteristic brevity, conveyed to him the fact that Mrs. Belden was at home and busily 'phoning scandalous stories about the country.

It happens that I have at the present time a mine " Claire was whispering to Milt, "If we can get rid of your dreadful passenger, I do want you to meet Mr. Saxton. He may be of use to you some day. He's terribly capable, and really quite nice. Think! He happened to be out here, and he traced me by telephone oh, he treats long-distance 'phoning as I do a hair-pin.

Let's shock 'em it's our funeral, ain't it?" "You bet!" said Gilbert. "Where did I hear that expression?" he added to himself. "Wait a minute, Nevada; I want to do a little 'phoning." He shut himself in a little dressing-room, and called upon the lightnings of the heavens condensed into unromantic numbers and districts. "That you, Jack? You confounded sleepyhead!

They never seemed to know when she was tired of them, and Gloria had seldom been deliberately unkind. They would keep phoning, writing letters to her, trying to see her, making long trips after her around the country. Some of them had confided in Mrs.

It always was addressed to you, my dear, but the boy had instructions to deliver it to me." "Humph," snapped Jane with mock indignation. "And when did you first find out that I was helping Chief Fleck watch you?" "I suspected it from the start. Kramer told me how you'd become acquainted with him. Then when I heard you 'phoning Carter about the bookstore I knew for certain."

The officer's brilliant smile wrinkled his good-looking features: "There was some little loot: I'm wearing my share." Recklow nodded and let his cold eyes rest on the identification papers. Then, slowly, and without a word, he passed them back over the desk. The Intelligence Officer stuffed them carelessly into his side-pocket. "I thought I'd come over instead of wiring or 'phoning.

There was no use phoning, the Vallejo was still in that archaic stage where the only telephone was in the lower hall and guests were called to it by the clerk. Besides, you never could tell about a girl like Pancha; she was half a savage, liable to lie curled up in a corner and never think of a doctor.

"I'm so glad you thought of phoning, Miss Pat," she said, taking her plate and cup from Bruce and seating herself by Miss Jinny. "Doris was well, I can't tell you what she said, but she certainly isn't as bad as we thought her. She's just wrapped up in Geraldine and she seems to think that this illness is a judgment on her for the prize study." "Poor thing," exclaimed Griffin.