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The solitude of our lives had also been considerably increased by the deaths of five Autunois friends, and by the departure of M. Schmitt with his family. My husband wrote to him: "Vous me demandez des nouvelles d'Autun, mais depuis votre depart nous y allons le moins possible. Je n'ai rien a y faire, presque plus personne a y voir.

She writes pages to her whole family as to his behaviour on particular occasions, while his ward, Emily Jervois, begs permission to take up her abode with Harriet when she and Sir Charles are married. Miss Jervois, who is Richardson's idea of a jeune personne bien elevee, is a compound of tears, of servility, and of undisguised love for her guardian.

A gentleman amongst the spectators, who appeared to be acquainted with the art of the abbé, was requested to make a sign, to the pupil then under examination, the moment it was made, the scholar chalked upon the slate, in a fine swift flowing hand, "une homme." The pupil erred; the gentleman renewed the sign; when he immediately wrote, "une personne," to the astonishment of every person present.

We are in front of the besieged and the besiegers. Salisbury has entered the Tournelles, and he looks out over the city from a window in the tower. Personne je n'épargnerai. But scarcely has he been able to give vent to this terrible threat when his head is carried off by a cannon ball fired from the town. The English cry out 'Ha! Hay! maudite journée!

Listen carefully to what is said and respond; do not keep aloof when duty requires you to take a share in the conversation. 67th. Detract not from others neither be excessive in Commending. Gardez vous bien de medire d'aucune personne ou de vous entretenir des affaires d'autruy. Et mesme souuenez vous de garder la moderation dans vos loüanges.

M. de Quérouelle, having talked the best of his repertoire at dinner, was now inclined for amusement, and had discovered that Lady Aubrey could amuse him, and was, moreover, une belle personne. Madame de Netteville, was obliged to give some time to Lord Rupert.

"True," said I, relapsing into seriousness; "and if you will allow me one more quotation, you will see what my author adds with regard to any abrupt interruption. "'Defendez que personne au milieu d'un banquet, Ne vous vienne donner un avis indiscret, Ecartez ce facheux qui vers vous s'achemine, Rien ne doit deranger l'honnete homme qui dine."

«Quelques-uns de ces grès m'out paru remarquables par leur ressemblance avec des roches feuilletées; ils sont compactes mêlés de mica; un suc quartzeux remplit tous les interstices de leurs grains, et leur donne une dureté et une solidité singuliers; il n'y a personne, qui en voyant des morceaux détachés de cette pierre, ne la prît pour une roche feuilletée; mais quand on la trouve dans le lieu de sa formation, et qu'on voit les gradations qui la lient avec des grès indubitables, par exemple avec ceux qui renferment des cailloux roulés, on ne peut plus douter de sa nature.

L'impératrice, fille de l'empereur de Traséonde (Trébisonde), me parut une fort belle personne. Cependant, comme je ne pouvois la voir que de loin, je voulus la considérer de plus près: d'ailleurs j'étois curieux de savoir comment elle montoit

But my profession is not that of making converts, et je ne veux me charger de fame de personne.