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"Suppose you were sick. Would you call him in? Would you let me call him in?" "Not if I were well enough to cuss and bite, I wouldn't! No, SIR! I wouldn't have the old fake in the house. Makes me tired, his everlasting palavering and soft-soaping.

"Pr'ythee, a truce with all this palavering," cried the Captain: "the women are vain enough already; no need for to puff 'em up more." "We must all submit to the commanding officer," said Sir Clement: "therefore, let us call another subject. Pray, ladies, how have you been entertained with the play?" "Want of entertainment," said Mrs.

"Come, come, Captain Bildad; stop palavering, away!" and with that, Peleg hurried him over the side, and both dropt into the boat. Ship and boat diverged; the cold, damp night breeze blew between; a screaming gull flew overhead; the two hulls wildly rolled; we gave three heavy-hearted cheers, and blindly plunged like fate into the lone Atlantic. The Lee Shore.

He merely was conscious that he could not endure palavering in doing business himself, and that he would not submit to being obliged to endure it, and he believed millions of people in America were as clean-cut and straightforward as he was. And the millions of people stood by him.

I feel kind o' peckish with all this palavering, and thinks as how I could manage a bit of dinner pretty comfably, and it'll be just about ready by the time we reach Stoke, as Jane's mighty punctual to having it on the table by eight bells; step out, my hearty!"

She'll have to milk all them seven cows herself. But dear life and heart! Here I be palavering away and not a bite of breakfast ready for you!" "I don't want any breakfast until the regular time for it," assured Murray. "I'm going down to the pond to see the sun rise." "Now don't you go and get caught in the ma'sh," anxiously called Mrs.

Clare left them to themselves, "Mrs. Carleton that poor son of hers is in such distress." "She has been palavering you over," he said, in a tone more like displeasure than he had ever used towards her. "Indeed, Alick, if you would listen, you would find him very much to be pitied." "I only wish never to hear of any of them again." He did not speak like himself, and Rachel was aghast.

I and my troops are weary, and to guard them in the open requires so many men. Of your kindness ask your Commandant if, in the Maharaja's name, I may place them in your guard-room cells until we march on again." The Sikh sentry called the havildar of the guard, who in turn called the Commandant, and after much palavering and cross questioning, the drawbridge was let down and the party admitted.

But the worst sign of all is this here, she won't let a drop of Nantz go between the combings of her teeth, and has quite lost the rudder of her understanding, whereby she yaws woundily in her speech palavering about some foreign part called the New Geereusalem, and wishing herself in a safe berth in the river Geordun.

They are said to shoot one another as Malays 'run amok, and some of their tribal customs are peculiar to themselves. Here, about 350 miles north of Sierra Leone, was established the unfortunate Bulama colony. In 1792 the island was abandoned, despite its wealth of ground-nuts. After long 'palavering' it was again occupied by Mr.