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Alas! it was preoccupied. His absence had led to ambitious usurpation. A one-legged, sturdy sailor had mounted his throne, and wielded his sceptre. The decorum of the street forbade altercation to the contending parties; but the sailor referred discussion to a meeting at a flash house in the Rookery that evening. There a jury was appointed, and the case opened.

She scorned the languid air that Gussie affected, and looked with disdain on the one-legged storks that her sister delighted to transfer to canvas, and she wondered how it was possible for anyone to sit for hours over a bit of fancywork the usefulness of which was doubtful; but this was the only kind of work that Gussie ever cared to do.

The stick chimney, daubed with clay and topped with a barrel open at both ends, made this a typical cabin. It flashed upon Ralph that this place must be Rocky Hollow, and that this was the house of old John Pearson, the one-legged basket-maker, and his rheumatic wife the house that hospitably sheltered Shocky.

When he saw and heard the confusion and uproar on the beach later that night when Captain Kellar turned Tulagi upside-down in his search for Michael, the old one-legged one remained discreetly silent. Who was he to seek trouble with the strange ones, the white masters who came and went and roved and ruled? In this the ancient was in nowise unlike the rest of his dark-skinned Melanesian race.

"They have their horses," said Fred, foreseeing and agreeing with the response that his young friend would make. "Not one of 'em is worth a cint at such a time; a one-legged Indian could outrun the fastest; they would have to stick fast to the trail while the spalpeens would walk all around 'em." "All that is true, but if they could get a good start, it would be very handy for Mr.

But I shall tell him why he must not do it, and I shall make him understand that it's an impossible thing." Then the old Pastor comprehended. There was no touch of fever. The one-legged Hero had come home from the wars completely well and sound in mind. So the two men sat together in love by the Christmas fire, and saw the tin soldiers melt away.

He didn't always carve it the same way, so his friends never knew exactly what sort of an expression they would find on his face. But there was no mistaking him, because he was the only pumpkin-headed man alive in the Land of Oz. A one-legged sailor-man was a member of Ozma's council.

'I may as well go on with it since I have begun it, my mother says, so slyly that my sister and I shake our heads at each other to imply, 'Was there ever such a woman! 'There are none of those one-legged scoundrels in my books, I say. 'Better without them, she replies promptly. 'I wonder, mother, what it is about the man that so infatuates the public? 'He takes no hold of me, she insists.

She loved them better than any other flowers, and I have made the little hillock almost into a thicket of them. In George Ware's last letter he wrote: "When the baby is ten years old I shall come home. He will not need me till then; till then, he is better in your hands alone; after that I can help you." The One-Legged Dancers.

The fun lasted well into the night, when there were concerts, and dancing, and even the one-legged men tried to dance. I don't think I had any other meals at the hospital than breakfast which I always had in bed. There was an orderly officer who was very unpopular as he had been months round the hospital and missed many chances of going to the front. One day the men played a trick on him.