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During his reading he placed beside him, on a round, one-legged little table, a silver jug filled with a special effervescent kvas flavoured with mint, whose pleasant odour disseminated itself through all the rooms.

The climax was reserved for the demure one-legged gymnast, who suddenly produced a pistol and discharged it in the air. When the panic subsided, he explained to the landlord and the company that he was "paying his shot."

The Wichita story is in exact accord with the artistic methods of a one-legged sharper who about 1878 stuck his crutch through a coal-hole here, and, falling heels over head, claimed to have sustained injuries for which he succeeded in collecting something like $1500 from the city. He is described as a fine-looking fellow, well dressed, and wearing a silk hat.

In this little interval he made the resolve to die. But he was cool and steady to the end. Baker, after a lapse, hailed for the last time. "Well, we have waited long enough; surrender your arms and come out, or we'll fire the barn." Booth answered thus: "I am but a cripple, a one-legged man. Withdraw your forces one hundred yard from the door, and I will come.

One might as well expect a one-legged man to win the international Marathon as to expect certain physical delinquents to "go right."

"Each night one of the boys had to sleep in the office, and this particular night it was Bill's turn. Bill was an old, one-legged negro and very superstitious. He said: "Boss, this is my night to stay here, and you know, boss, I sho likes to work for you, but I jest tells you now there jest hain't room in this here house fer me and that black wagon at night." I moved the hearse."

There is some skill in "hop-scotch" played as these girls play it, and with their "boots" too! A one-legged game is "hop-scotch," for the left foot must be held clear of the pavement, and the "pitcher" must be propelled with the right foot as the girl "hops."

He thought it would be handy for us, and good for the poor likewise. 'That, I says, 'would be much the same as if a one-legged man should steal a pair of boots, and think to make it a righteous action by giving away the one he didn't want in charity. As he was so fond of illustrations, I thought I'd give him enough of them. 'Mr.

The lightest jobs were again classified to discover how many of them required the use of full faculties, and we found that 670 could be filled by legless men, 2,637 by one-legged men, 2 by armless men, 715 by one-armed men, and 10 by blind men. Therefore, out of 7,882 kinds of jobs, 4,034 although some of them required strength did not require full physical capacity.

At the end of three years she was a good linguist, could play and sing well enough to entertain and not bore the most intelligent in the company the Duc kept, and to pass in that company the French emigre set in London as a person of equal education. The fault scarcely belittles her achievement. As well blame a one-legged man for hopping when trying to run.