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Updated: August 1, 2024

I guess maybe you'll be sending her to Sioux Falls in a year or so to kind o' polish her off." The sarcasm in the voice stung the biggest brother. "Well," he said, "she could polish off right here on these plains and have a lot more in her noddle in a year or two than some people I know." This boast of her favorite again brought the little girl's courage up.

Secresy is not a medical restorative, by no means a good thing for the baffled amorously-adventurous cavalier, unless the lady's character shall have been firmly established in or over his hazy wagging noddle. Reflection informed him that the honourable, generous, proud girl spared him for the sake of the house she loved. After a night of tossing, he rose right heartily repentant.

Now I did not suspect in my stupid noddle that John Fry would ever tell Jeremy Stickles about the sight at the Wizard's Slough and the man in the white nightcap; because John had sworn on the blade of his knife not to breathe a word to any soul, without my full permission.

It's called 'My Musical Memories. It made me want to go to Germany even before Wunsch said anything. Of course it's a secret. You're the first one I've told." Dr. Archie smiled indulgently. "That's a long way off. Is that what you've got in your hard noddle?" He put his hand on her hair, but this time she shook him off. "No, I don't think much about it.

Anoint my eyes, good Fairy Puck, so that I may ever consider the Beloved Object a paragon! Above all, keep on anointing my mistress's dainty peepers with the very strongest ointment, so that my noddle may ever appear lovely to her, and that she may continue to crown my honest ears with fresh roses!

Touch up that bullet-headed house-breaker that's drunk Sam Stancheon, they call him lave a nate impression of the big kay on his head; he'll undherstand it, you know; and there's Molly Brady, or Emily Howard, as she calls herself, give her a clink on the noddle to stop her jinteelity. Blast her pedigree; nothing will serve her but she must be a lady on our hands.

I do so like what I call seemly conduct." "Yes, sir. I was ashamed the moment you spoke;" and Norah blushed again. "But truly I hadn't thought, sir. If I'd given it a thought, I'd never have done it." "No, you didn't think. And there's nothing on earth for you to be ashamed of. Far be it from me to put thoughts into your innocent little noddle which needn't come there yet a while.

Kordé conscientiously administered a dose of birch, previously soaked in salt water, to each one of his pupils who appeared in class with a swollen face or a damaged noddle. And when they grew up and became full-blown louts, their actions still testified to the influence of the school in which they had been reared.

Well, as we were walking along, just barely recovering from the shock of the accident, he suddenly took some new whim into his confounded noddle. What further happened here, neither I nor either of my friends can tell. Our recollections from this period till next morning are doubtful and indistinct.

Why worry about the contents of somebody else's noddle, in which you can be nothing but an intruder, when you may arrive at a better result, with absolute certainty, by confining your activities to your own? 'Look within. 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. 'Oh, yes! you protest. 'All that's old. Epictetus said that. Marcus Aurelius said that. Christ said that. They did. I admit it readily.

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