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In the garden, Nimble-toes showed them how to climb a corn-stalk, peel off the husks and nibble the sweet, white kernels. "Oh, isn't it sweet and juicy!" cried Buster. "Say, Nimble-toes, I'd like to stay here a whole month." "You would grow fatter than ever," laughed Limpy-toes. "But it is delicious."

Martin would have helped Amanda over the fence, but she ran from him, put up one foot, and was over it in a trice. "Still a nimble-toes," he said, laughing. "Mary, can you do as well?" "Pooh, yes! Who can't climb a fence?" The little girl was over it in a minute.

When they come home, Nimble-toes shall show the dear children the sights." When Pa Field-Mouse and Nimble-toes returned, Mrs. Field-Mouse had dinner ready, out under the oak tree in real picnic fashion. Nimble-toes danced with delight when he saw the bag of rare goodies. Buster, however, thought that the minced turnip and seed salad was a great treat.

We wish to be civilized. We miss Uncle Squeaky's band. Please come to Pond Lily Lake and help us." "We'll come, all right, Nimble-toes," interrupted Wiggle. "We'll surely come," promised Wink. "Hurrah for another summer at Pond Lily Lake!" "Hush! hush!" cried Mother Graymouse.

"We would love to stay," smiled Silver Ears, "but I fear Mammy will go home early." "Grandpa Bull Frog plays a bass-viol," explained Nimble-toes. "He plays very nicely." "So does my Uncle Squeaky," bragged Buster, "only he plays a fiddle." A big black snake crawled along just then and frightened the twins so badly that they all had to run away from the pond.

"You will put your noses in a dark corner instead of eating supper, if you interrupt again," warned Uncle Squeaky, scowling at his excited twins. "Are there many sick ones?" asked Grand-daddy. "Squire Cricket has a sore throat, Lady Spider is ailing, and almost everyone is sneezing," replied Nimble-toes. "They really need you, Grand-daddy," advised Aunt Belindy Squeaky.

There is an abundance of sweet corn and other juicy vegetables in the Giant's garden, and a big oak tree near by to supply us with all the acorns we shall need for next winter. "The pond is near, also. Pa Field-Mouse has built us a small raft of dried mushrooms and sometimes we go sailing across the water. Pa and Nimble-toes are down by the pond, gathering seeds.

"There is no better sauce made. Fetch a basketful, Buster." "Barberry sauce is full of pegs," complained Grand-daddy. "Grape jelly is my favorite sauce." "Nimble-toes says there's poison ivy and dogwood around here," said Scamper. "Be careful or you'll get poisoned, Buster."

From the pantry came Silver Ears Graymouse and Dot Squeaky, bringing food to the table. "I hope Limpy-toes Graymouse and Scamper Squeaky have not gone away," thought Nimble-toes. Somebody stole softly up behind him; two paws blindfolded his eyes. "It is Limpy-toes," he guessed, trying to be brave in that dark, strange place. "Right you are, Nimble-toes," laughed Limpy-toes.

I suppose there will not be much work for old Dr. Whiskers in this healthy country in summertime, because " "Dr. Whiskers! Dr. Whiskers!" interrupted Nimble-toes, "this little Skunk says that old Simon Skunk has a dreadful attack of asthma and wants you to come quick." Down went Grand-daddy's ax, and away he trotted to Gray Rock Bungalow where he had left Granny and his medicine bag.