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I always wanted to camp out and watch the stars," he told Silver stoutly. "Honest to gran'ma, I think this is just simply GREAT! I bet them nester kids would be scared. Hunh!" That helped a lot. The Kid could whistle better after that.

He had never thought of Hagar in connection with beauty; he had been sorry for her, pitying her she had been a child upon whom he had bestowed much of the unselfish devotion of his heart; indeed, there had been times when it had assumed a practical turn, and through various ruses much of his wages had been delicately forced upon the nester.

There was some haphazard comment when he had finished, after which Slim spoke. "So the nester hauled you out. Ce'tainly looks like he's plumb game. You said he was afire when he got you into the open, didn't you, Phil?" The boy nodded. "And all in. He fainted right away." "With him still burning away like the doctor's fire there," murmured Healy ironically, with a slight gesture toward the cook.

The prospect of becoming involved with the nester gave Langford a throb of joy. All his life he had been engaged in the task of overcoming business obstacles and he had reached the conclusion that the situation which now confronted him was nothing more or less than business.

Only" still avoiding his eyes, she turned to survey the harrowed land "only, I'm some put out. This sod " "Never mind the sod," he said gravely. "I want to ask did you see the mountain?" He loosed her fingers, and pointed an arm to the south. She laughed, following his pointing. "Yes, I did. Looks as if claims are getting scarce, don't it? When a nester has to file up there!"

Dakota had never taken Doubler into his confidence, and the information that she succeeded in worming from the nester was not more than he had already volunteered, or than Duncan had given her that day when they were seated on the edge of the butte overlooking the river.

"At the end of Del Oro Cañon, likely," suggested the nester. She nodded eagerly. "Yes, they would get into the cañon before the pursuit was in sight. That is why they were not seen by Slim and the rest of the posse." Yeager looked at her, and as he looked the certainty of it grew on him. His mind began to piece out the movements of the outlaws from the time they left Noches. "That's right, Phyl.

It was not a mere loss of dollars or of cattle or even of hopes; it was the rending, the tearing from him of a life he loved; it was the taking of the range land the wide, beautiful, weather-worn land big and grand in its freedom of all that was narrow and sordid, and it was cutting and scarring it, harnessing it to the petty uses of a class he despised with all the frank egotism of a man who loves his own outlook; giving it over to the "nester" and the "rube" and burying the sweet-smelling grasses with plows.

"I've come to demand an inspection of yore herd," broke out the nester harshly. "Why demand it? Why not just ask for it?" cut back Webb curtly. "I'm not splittin' words. What I'm sayin' is that if you've got any of my cattle here I want 'em." "You're welcome to them." Webb turned to his segundo. "Joe, ride through the herd with this man.

As he had hinted to Langford, he had tried many plans to rid the country of the nester, and he remembered a time when Doubler had seen through one of his schemes to fasten the crime of rustling on him and had called him to account, and the recollection of what had happened at the interview between them was not pleasant.