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Langford's purpose in questioning Duncan had been to learn of the presence of someone in the country who would not be averse to removing Doubler. The possibility of disposing of the nester in this manner had been before him ever since he had learned of his presence on the Two Forks.

The grizzled beard hid the weak mouth, but the skim-milk eyes, the expression of the small-featured face, betrayed the man's lack of force. You may meet ten thousand like him west of the Mississippi. He lives in every village, up every creek, in every valley, and always he is the cat's-paw of stronger men who use him for good or ill to serve their ends. The nester stopped in his tracks.

"Have you visited your neighbor yet, Ruth?" Masten inquired at last. "Neighbor!" Ruth showed astonishment by letting her book close and losing her place. "Why, I didn't know we had a neighbor nearer than the Diamond H!" Masten's lips curled. Her reference to the Diamond H recalled unpleasant memories. "A nester," he said, and then added after a pause "and his daughter.

But they would have found water and it would have taken say three years for them to discover that their claims could not support them, Nesters are a dogged breed of human. It takes a nester a long time to wake up to the fact that he's licked, and until they woke up, the nesters would be liable to block the water wheels of a private reclamation scheme.

Then he rose up, and let Hallblithe rise also, and took his sword and gave it into his hand again and said: "Crag- nester, thou art wrathful, but little. Now thou hast thy sword again and mayst slay me if thou wilt. Yet not until I have spoken a word to thee: so hearken! or else by the Treasure of the Sea I will slay thee with my bare hands.

Jim was sailing into the full tide of his sarcasm when Keller touched him on the shoulder. "I'd like to see you for a moment, Mr. Yeager, if you can give me the time," he said. Healy took in the nester with an eye of jade. "Your twin brother wants you, Jim. Run along with him. Don't mind us." "I won't, Brill." The young man rose, and sauntered off with the Bear Creek settler.

"We run every nester out of this country; and it's about time we started in on the sheep," said this individual, and he spoke not jestingly, but with a vicious meaning in his voice, that silenced the talk. Bailey was there and Houck, the T-Bar-T foreman, Bud Long, foreman of the Blue, and possibly some fifteen or eighteen visiting cowboys.

It must have gotten into my mind, somehow, that you had married and gone back to chopping cotton. Still driving for Uncle Jess Ellison, I reckon?" "Yes, still clerking for the same drover," admitted Straw, glancing at the wounded limb. "What's this I hear about you laying off, and trying to eat some poor nester out of house and home? You must be getting doty." "Enjoy yourself, Nat.

Indian days over; "nester" days with frame houses and vegetable patches not yet here.

"Come on, boys, let's git things a-goin'!" Mayor Maloney stood in the doorway and beamed good humouredly: "'Tain't every cowtown's got a bank an' us Wolf Riverites has got to do ourself proud. Every rancher an' nester in forty mile around has drove in. The flat's rimmed with wagons an' them train folks is cocked up on the lumber piles a-chickerin' like a prairie-dog town.