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'Yet I'll be bound to say yo' niver made a will before going to sea, said Philip, half smiling. 'Na, na; but that's quite another mak' o' thing; going' to sea comes natteral to a man, but goin' to Lunnon, I were once there, and were near deafened wi' t' throng and t' sound. I were but two hours i' t' place, though our ship lay a fortneet off Gravesend.

One or two bits in certain pictures were pronounced by the farmers "as natteral as life;" the "stattys" rather scandalized them, and the historical legends attached by the housekeeper to various pieces of furniture fell upon ears too little educated to be interested. But when we got to the big drawing-room the yellow satin chairs gave general and complete satisfaction.

He did talk the matter over with Deacon Pettybone, but got little enlightenment for his pains. "Don't seem natteral," Scattergood said, "f'r young folks to git to quarrelin' and bickerin' ontil life hain't endurable no longer. 'Tain't natteral a-tall. Somethin' must be all-fired wrong somewheres." "It's human nature to quarrel," said the deacon, gloomily. "Nothin' onusual about it."

Ephraim grinned all over his long face. "Oh, them things come natteral like with me," he said. "I kin reel 'em off by ther yard when I git started. Folks up aour away say I'm ther funniest critter that ever growed in them parts." "Well, you have agreed to meet Mr. Dunnerwust?" "Yep." "The meeting must take place without delay, so there may be daylight enough for its consummation."

Downs had been there once, years before. It was a "natteral curosity," she said, with all sorts of strange sea-creatures growing in pools, and the rocks were red and quite beautiful. It wasn't a dangerous place, either, and here Mr. Downs confirmed her. You couldn't get in after half-tide, but anybody could stay in for a week in ordinary weather, and not be drowned.

If I could hope to improve him any, I would invite and visit him often. We do mean to visit his family, and ask them to our house." "He's havin' the sulks the natteral way," said Colwell. "He's mad as a March hare, and says, he axes no odds o' Mat Fabens," added Teezle. "Speak low," said Wilson, "I'll warrant, he's near us this very minute; he's olers spookin' about, and eaves-droppin'."

One honest fellow, who, by faithful fagging at the heels of Congress, had obtained a profitable post under government, shook Irving heartily by the hand, and professed himself always happy to see anybody that came from New York; "somehow or another, it was natteral to him," being the place where he was first born.

Whether you've got the sperit to do a thing or not yer allers do it, and in a sweet, natteral way, as if you couldn't help it. When my wife enters on a good work it makes me think of a funeral. I'm 'mazin' glad you didn't live in old times, 'cause the lions would have got you sure 'nuff.

And, you see, this made a wolf of me; for I couldn't bring her among the Injuns, to marry her to a cussed niggur of a savage, no, captain, I couldn't; for she's my own natteral flesh and blood, and, captain, I love her!

They saw a score of Indians, at safe distance, capering and gesturing and yelling insults, daring them to come out. That was not to be borne. The young men were wild to sally and drive the red rascals from the neighborhood. But the older heads smelled a mouse. "No, boys. Wait a bit. It's a trick. There's something afoot. Those Injuns don't act natteral. They're too anxious.