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"We can have something to eat, can't we?" interjected Margery, in a hopeful tone. "Yeth, Buthter mutht have thomething to eat all the time," averred Tommy. "There is plenty for all. Now, come and meet our girls. We have a very fine lot of young women at Camp Wau-Wau this summer, and we think we have an ideal camp, too. I am so sorry that I did not know you were coming.

"What under the sun can it mean?" queried Landy, looking distressed; because, truth to tell, he and the missing scout had been getting quite fond of one another lately, and the shock had told upon Landy much more than any other boy belonging to the Wolf Patrol. "I tell you what I think," ventured Ted Burgoyne just then; "that man mutht have hypnotized Hen.

'I darethay it will. Colonel Vaughan turns suddenly, and encounters Freda's glance. 'How does the drawing get on Freda? Capitally! What a sky! quite artistic. This is said whilst looking over Freda's shoulder, but she does not respond to the remark. 'I wath jutht thaying I with I could draw. It mutht be thuth a nithe amuthement. 'Very. How is Lady Mary, to-day?

"Ay man, Dyohn," said the Deacon with great solicitude; "but you maunna work that brain o' yours too hard, though. A heid like yours doesna come through the hatter's hand ilka day o' the week; you mutht be careful not to put too great a thtrain on't. Ay, ay; often the best machine's the easiest broken and the warst to mend. You should take a rest and enjoy yourself.

"Surely, but I can't remember all those things, even if I ever knew them." "Jane, you should learn to observe more closely. Most persons are careless about that." Harriet began swimming toward the shore with Jane. "Thay! How long mutht I thtand here in the wet up to my prethiouth neck?" demanded Grace Thompson. Her feet seemed to be very light.

"I am always imitating the talk I hear in the cottages," he remarked; "I may have lost it so." "Perhaps, as Cray goes to so many places, it may get scattered about," said little Bertram; but he was speedily checked by Johnnie, who observed with severity that they didn't want any "thrimp thauth." "He mutht thimmer," said Johnnie, "thath what he mutht do.

Judith walked up, and said, "Mitthith North, lately you've rung tho eathy, that motht of the time I thought it mutht be a acthident, and didn't come up at futht. I thpect the wireth ith got ruthty." Mrs. North said nothing, but afterward, in relating the affair to me, she said she truly believed that it was owing to my stopping the papers.

But if, when you're grown up and married and well off, you come upon any horthe-riding ever, don't be hard upon it, don't be croth with it, give it a Bethpeak if you can, and think you might do wurth. People mutht be amuthed, Thquire, thomehow, continued Sleary, rendered more pursy than ever, by so much talking; 'they can't be alwayth a working, nor yet they can't be alwayth a learning.

Isaac came behind Levi and gave his coat a pull and toddled off with a yell of delight. "Be quiet, Ikey!" cried Esther. "If you don't behave better I shan't sleep in your new bed." "Oh yeth, you mutht, Ethty," lisped Ikey, his elfish face growing grave. He went about depressed for some seconds. "Kids are a beastly nuisance," said Levi, "don't you think so, Esther?"

"I follow," said Cask. "But you mutht be genteel; you muthtn't t stread as me. I like nithe people." "Well, a soldier isn't exactly genteel," said Cask, "but I'm not so terribly uncouth." "Tread on it," said the hedgehog, "else it will bite you, ever so genteely." The adder reared its neck and rustled away. "Stop!" shouted the hedgehog, attacking the snake.