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Sure mesel' would be a coward gin I had the waefu' woodie before my ees. 'Deed, me laird, and me heart is sair for the mischance o' the note." "It cannot be mended now, Cuthbert." The time was drawing near for the closing of the prison doors, and the old man took a dutiful leave of his master and departed.

There's a bit story I micht as weel tell ye mesel', for yell hear it frae Mac in any case, if ever ye chance to come upon him. It's the tale o' Kirsty Lamont and her rent box. I played eavesdropper, or I wouldna know it to pass it on to ye, but it's tae gude tae lose, for a' that. I'll be saying, first, that I dinna know Kirsty Lamont, though I mak' sae free wi' her name, gude soul!

"What would ye think might come of it?" "I don't know, Wallace what would you!" "Weel," he said gravely, "I think something's brewing down yonder there'll be trouble yet." "Those poor Balkans, always fighting," she sighed. "I'm feered it'll be more than the Balkans this time. Watch the papers, Mary I dinna' like the looks o' it mesel'."

"Get awa' ahint me, Satan," said Tam piously. "A've gi'en oop cadgin' seegairs an' A' beg ye no' tae tempit a puir weak body. Just puit the box doon whair A' can reach it an' mebbe A'll help mesel' absintminded. A' came mon, this is a bonnie smawk! Ye maun pay an awfu' lot for these. Twa sheelin's each! Ech!

"Aye," said Tam quietly, "an' suppose A'm goin' oop wi' matchless coorage to save ma frien's frae the ravishin' Hoon an' ma machine plays hookey? Would it no' be worse for a' concairned, than if A' smash oop by mesel'?" "Did you see Müller?" "In the clouds. A' left him hauldin' a committee-meetin', Captain MacMuller in the cheer.

I was not mesel'! That last wee dram of sauerkraut got me all lit up like a picture palace! says he; 'I didn't know whether it was on ma heid or somebody else's, says he; 'I'll admit the allegation and I throw mesel' on the maircy o' the court.

"Playing tournament, Riley," came back the voice from under the bed. "It's a splendid game. Do you want to learn it some time?" "'Tis mesel' has sumthin' to learn ye," he retorted. "Come out o' there, I say." "I couldn't think of it. I'm tired." "Well, ye oughter be smashin' up th' furnichure, an' makin' a noise like a wake. Wait 'til I gits hold iv ye."

And they who would well obey his commandments, bore him thither whereas was Amile; and there they fell to sounding on their tartavelles before the Court of Amile, even as mesel folk be wont to do.

And sae maun e'en just commit your ways to the Lord, and put your trust intil him. Auld Cuthbert and mesel' pray for your leddyship ilka day, that ye may be deleevered fra the spoilers, and fra a' those wha gang about to wark you wae. Me laird hae gane his ways up to Lunnun, as I tauld your leddyship.

"I shall have to tell a lee about you, and for that God may wither the tongue of me. I shall say that a rattler buzzed beneath your nose though perhaps I should say it was behind ye, Rab, else they will wonder that ye didna run away home. If ye could but lift an ear and roll the eye of you, wild-like, perhaps they will believe me. But I dinna ken I wouldna believe it mesel!"