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Here the roads fork; the one leading to the camp of Lafayette, and the other to Matron's ford over the Schuylkill. In the course of the night, General Gray, with a strong detachment, had advanced up the Schuylkill on its south side, along the ridge road, and taken post at a ford two or three miles in front of the right flank of Lafayette, while the residue of the army encamped on Chestnut hill.

With the words, 'I am very tired, ma'am, the eyes reclose, and we see long black fringes of soft hair rest upon the pale, thin cheek. The ready tear of compassion springs to the matron's eyes, as she stoops still lower to feel the pulse in the wan hand. 'What is the matter with her? she inquires, turning to the bystanders. 'Tis tiert all out she is, my leddy.

"And had he married the valiant matron's daughter, as he promised?" asked Angel Clare absently, as he turned over the newspaper he was reading at the little table to which he was always banished by Mrs Crick, in her sense of his gentility. "Not he, sir. Never meant to," replied the dairyman.

The matron's English prejudices at once assumed that there had been some discreditable event in the man's life, which might be made a subject of scandalous exposure if he was attended by one of his own countrypeople. She advised Mrs. Vimpany to have nothing to do with the afflicted stranger. The nurse answered that she had promised to attend on him and she kept her promise.

I mean to come and live with you that is, if I may?" cried Beulah, springing up and laying her hand on the matron's. "God bless you, dear child; how glad I shall be!" She wound her arms round the slender form, and laughed through her tears. Beulah gently put back the gray locks that had fallen from the border of her cap, and said hopefully: "I am sick of boarding sick of town!

There were still little romantic impulses in the matron's heart, and this studied coldness of her sister's tone wounded her. "Yes, of course that is the beginning of the business. We like each other very well," Lady Geraldine replied, still with the same unenthusiastic air. "I think there has always been some kind of liking between us.

He knew at once who it was Thomas Edward, the matron's cat, ever a staunch friend of his. Many a time had they taken tea together in his study in happier days. The friendly animal had sought him out in his hiding-place, and was evidently trying to intimate that the best thing they could do now would be to make a regular night of it. Fenn, as I have said, liked and respected Thomas.

"For a number of reasons, my dear," came the response. "One, because he wanted to leave me in the lurch. Another it will be easier to keep an eye on him until Naughty is returned, or" her voice had the vindictive ring of a Roman matron's "this person's culpability is proven. Naughty is a valuable dog and " Mr.

There were signs of activity, however, inside; and a smell of soap and warm water told of preparations recently completed. Wyatt took Mike into the matron's room, a small room opening out of the main passage. "This is Jackson," he said. "Which dormitory is he in, Miss Payne?" The matron consulted a paper. "He's in yours, Wyatt." "Good business. Who's in the other bed?

Portheris's cab drove up at the moment I made a tentative attempt to bring the interview to a close. "Mr. Dod and I are walking," I said. "Ah, these little strolls!" exclaimed Mrs. Portheris, with benignant humour. "I suppose we must condone them now!" and she waved her hand, rolling away, as if she gave us a British matron's blessing. "Oh, don't!" I cried. "Don't condone them you mustn't!"