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Martindale's encouraging reply. The evening of Mrs. Cameron's party soon came around. Mrs. Martindale had been as good as her word, and managed to get Fenwick invited, although he had never in his life met either Mr. or Mrs. Cameron. But he had no delicate and manly scruples on the subject. All he desired was to get invited; the way in which it was done was of no consequence to him.

Martindale's return might be expected. If Miss Gardner had been alone, she thought she might have got on better; but the quieter elder sister hardly put in a word, so unceasing was the talk of the younger; whose patronage became oppressive, when she began on Mrs.

He was a lackadaisical sort of a spook when I saw him. What possessed him to enlist? He's no stuff for a soldier." Stuyvesant hesitated. That letter of old Colonel Martindale's was shown him in confidence. But Ray's next impetuous outburst settled it. "Oh, by Jove! I see it, it's " And here the white teeth gleamed in the lamplight, for Mr. Ray was laughing heartily. "Yes?

Presently Violet, a little reassured by Lord Martindale's gentle tones, ventured on a survey. She was on the same sofa with Lady Martindale; but infinitely remote she felt from that form like an eastern queen, richly dressed, and with dark majestic beauty, whose dignity was rather increased than impaired by her fifty years.

Lord Martindale's eye followed hers, and through the half-closed door saw Johnnie, sitting on the bed, reading to his father, who listened with amused, though languid attention. 'I believe you are right, he said; 'though I wish I had the boy in the country doing no lessons. He puts me more in mind of his uncle every day.

Do you know when he comes home? 'He promised to come this spring, but I fancy Captain Fitzhugh has inveigled him somewhere to fish. He never writes, so he may come any day. But what is anything the matter? 'I have a letter here that which in Lord Martindale's absence, I thought it might be better you might prefer my coming direct to you. I cannot but think you should be aware' stammered Mr.

Had he not heard his general, his fellow staff officers, speaking enthusiastically of her beauty and fascinations and their destructive effects in various quarters? Had he not been compelled in silence to listen again and in detail to the story of old Sam Martindale's nephew?

Having eased her mind by this tirade, Sarah mended the fire, put every comfort in Miss Martindale's reach, advised her to lie down by her mistress, and walked off. Theodora felt giddy and confounded with the shocks of that day. It was not till she had stretched herself beside Violet that she could collect her perceptions of the state of affairs; and oh! what wretchedness!

It was already so late in the day, that though thus summoned, there was no chance of Lord Martindale's arriving till the following evening; and Violet's heart sank at reckoning up the space that must elapse, more especially when she saw the perturbed eye, the startings at each sound, the determination to know the business of every one who came to speak to her evident indications that there was some anxiety on his mind which she could not comprehend.

Violet hoped it was not wrong to utter a faint 'yes. 'Does Martindale's sister write to you? 'No; she does not write letters much. But I told you how very kind they are Mr. Martindale, his brother, especially. 'Ay! said Albert, 'he disconcerted our calculations. He seems to have taken out a new lease. 'He is a great deal better. 'But he has no lungs left.