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To my mind, Boyd, there was some mysterious element in Courtenay's life that he entirely hid from his friends. In later years he lived in constant dread of assassination." "Yes, that has always struck me as strange," I remarked. "Has nothing yet been discovered?" asked my chief. "Didn't the police follow that manservant Short?" "Yes, but to no purpose.

The soldiers, who were to return immediately to Colonel William Johnson, rode away with their horses, and Robert, Tayoga and Willet took their packs into the house of Mynheer Huysman, who grumbled incessantly while he and a manservant and a maidservant made them as comfortable as possible. "Would you und Tayoga like to haf your old room on the second floor?" he said to Robert.

I merely desire a little privacy and, here and there, a towel." "Ah, yes! Quite so, sir," he said; "but you do not understand me. As I said before, you ring for the waiter or the maid. When one of them comes you tell them to send you the manservant on your floor; and when he comes you tell him you require towels, and he goes to the linen cupboard and gets them and fetches them to you, sir.

She raised her eyes. Mrs. Hilbery had emptied a portfolio containing old photographs over her table, and was looking from one to another. "Surely, Katharine," she said, "the men were far handsomer in those days than they are now, in spite of their odious whiskers? Look at old John Graham, in his white waistcoat look at Uncle Harley. That's Peter the manservant, I suppose.

"Thieves, guard!"... they cried. A gunshot rang out; a smoking wad fell almost at my feet. Within a minute I was in my own room, undressed and in bed. My manservant had only just locked the door when Grushnitski and the captain began knocking for admission. "Pechorin! Are you asleep? Are you there?"... cried the captain. "I am in bed," I answered angrily. "Get up! Thieves!... Circassians!"...

Lanyard declared, and escorted him to the desk. A knock sounded. Lanyard called: "Come in!" A sleepy manservant, half-dressed and warm from his bed, entered. "You rang, sir?" "Yes, Harris." Lanyard tossed him a sovereign. "Sorry to rout you out so late, but I need a cab. Whistle up a growler, will you?" "'Nk-you, sir." The man retired cheerfully, rewarded for many a night of broken slumber.

A knock at the entrance door of the second-floor flat brought forth a manservant whose smart bearing and precision of manner suggested military training. He cautiously informed Superintendent Merrington, in reply to his question, that he was not sure if Captain Nepcote was at home, but he would go and see. "Who shall I say, sir?" he asked, in unconscious contradiction of his statement.

"I did not mingle in Society at Gueldersdorp." He signed to the waiting manservant to open the hall-door. She drew her snowy ermines about her and rustled over the threshold. But in the hall she turned and dealt her thrust. "No? You were too busy attending cases. Police-Court Cases ..." Her light laugh fluttered mockingly about his ears.

"Yes, he served there, I think but I have not been with him long." "Well! Just so!... Just so!... Grigori Aleksandrovich?... that is his name, of course? Your master and I were friends," he added, giving the manservant a friendly clap on the shoulder with such force as to cause him to stagger. "Excuse me, sir, you are hindering me," said the latter, frowning. "What a fellow you are, my friend!

Later on I found out for myself that, in this particular hotel, when you ring for the waiter or the maid the bell sounds in the service room, where those functionaries are supposed to be stationed; but when you ring for the manservant a small arm-shaped device like a semaphore drops down over your outer door. But what has the manservant done that he should be thus discriminated against?